

Why can't guinea pigs eat bananas?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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13y ago

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Guinea pigs can eat bananas but it is not advised to feed guinea pigs very many bananas as they are high in natural sugar and can damage guinea pigs teeth. Of course they are highly nutritious and are good as a rare treat to keep a guinea pigs diet balanced. To help you with what kind of food a guinea pig can have to keep their diets balanced I have provided a list of good foods.

Excellent foods include: Kale, Parsley, Sweet Red and Yellow Peppers, Broccoli and Guava.

Very Good foods include: Green Peppers, Kiwi, Strawberry, Mustard Greens and Cauliflower.

Fair foods include: Red Cabbage, Peas, Cantaloupe, Oranges, Snap Peas, Turnip Greens, Kohlrabi, Papaya.

Poor foods include: Beet Greens, Collard Greens, Bak Choi, Aspargus, Lettuce and Carrots.

All the foods above are good for your guinea pig but the poor and fair foods just need to be given less or need to be given a lot at one time of that food. So if you feed your guinea pig lots of carrot or lettuce don't fret they are good foods but the top foods are even better.

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