

Why can't we live on Jupiter?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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11y ago

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Aside from the fact that Jupiter is too far away for people to get to it with our current technology, people can't live on Jupiter because:

  • There is no oxygen in the atmosphere
  • there is no water
  • there is no land surface to stand on or build on
  • the gravity is too strong
  • there is not enough sunlight to grow crops
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7y ago
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12y ago

There are many reasons why Jupiter can't support life. For one thing, Jupiter has no surface. It's basically a giant ball of hydrogen and helium, as well as traces of methane, silicon, ammonia, and many other gases. There's nowhere to land any kind of spaceship or whatever on the planet. Another reason is that Jupiter is VERY cold; the mean temperature is about 250 degrees Fahrenheit below 0. Most kinds of life would freeze to death in less than a milisecond at that temperature. Last, but fa sho not least, Jupiter has an enormous gravitational force. The force is so large, that if too close, the force would pull any kind of life in and crush it at an humongous force. A 100 lb person or dog would be crushed at a force of 240 lbs. That person or dog would be killed instantley. So, there you have it.

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11y ago

Some microorganisms are very resistant to radiation and vacuum. But the real question is, could a form of life evolve based on, say, electronics instead of chemistry? If so, then the answer to your question is "possibly." After all, we're beginning to build semi-autonomous space probes which in some ways are a bit like intelligent life forms. A few decades from now, we'll be building intelligent self-replicating space probes, and the distinction between living things and machines will disappear, so my answer to your question is a qualified "yes." These "animals" would eat interplanetary dust and gas and use the energy from radiation.

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12y ago

First of all, it's a gas giant (not sure what gases, look it up) so there is nothing to stand on. Though one problem, if you go too near it- the force of gravity is so strong, it sucks you and crushes you inside. Don't worry though, it takes several years to get there. It really is hard as when you say living things, you could mean sheep or you could mean bacteria. there is very limited sunlight, no food, and no water. so you may as well leave you and your sheep here on planet earth.

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11y ago

because is to far away from the sun and we would freeze and we cant live with the gases

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14y ago

Jupiter is the gasest planet which means it has to little oxygen for 1 human to live

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13y ago

No one has ruled out the possibility of life existing on Jupiter. We are pretty sure that sentient life like that found on Earth, does not exist on Jupiter, by Jove.

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13y ago

because its too cold and its too far from the sun and also there's a big storm that's been going on for years so that's why human being cannot survive on Jupiter.

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The oxygen level, the amount of water, the distance from the sun, well, HUMANS CANT LIVE THERE.

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you can NOT live on Jupiter as it is not like Earth, you can't live on Jupiter. it dosen't have water so you with die of thirst. Earth is the only safe place where people can live.

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no it can't live on Jupiter.