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It is done as more of a penance.

Roman Catholic AnswerCatholics abstain from meat on Good Friday to honor the day on which Our Blessed Lord offered His life on the cross for our salvation. It is one of the precepts or commandments of the Church.
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12y ago

Roman Catholics do not necessarily eat fish on Good Friday, or on any other Friday for that matter. They abstain from eating the flesh of warmblooded animals and birds, as well as anything (such as soups and gravy) made using flesh-meat. Catholics also fast from food on Good Friday. They have only one full meal on that day. The same fasting from food and abstaining from meat are also observed on Ash Wednesday (at the beginning of the six-week Season of Lent). This custom arose because Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, died on Good Friday and His Death is commemorated on every Friday of the year (so it is a widespread custom to abstain from meat foods on all Fridays of the year, except when a special religious feast falls on a Friday). Instead of meat products, Catholics might eat eggs, cheese, fish or products made with non-meat ingredients. Less than a hundred years ago, those Catholics who fasted during Lent (and at other times) would not eat eggs or cheese, or drink milk, or use any food-products from animals or birds. That is why the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday (Shrove Tuesday) is also known as Pancake Day, because all the animal/bird products would be used up in pancakes before the beginning of the food-fast of Lent. For six days of the week Catholics would fast from food and abstain from meat/meat products. On Sundays in Lent there is no fasting or abstaining, because every Sunday is the commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Thus there was/is no requirement to eat fishspecifically on a Friday or fast-day. However, fish used to be the food of the poor and the humble, whilst meat was had by the more affluent. It is ironical that, at the present time, fish tends to be more expensive than meat, so eating fish is no longer a cultural way of observing humility. By the way, in the fifth and sixth weeks of Lent, many Catholics chose to eat only vegetables (often uncooked), either with or without bread; they would drink only water. This was called the Black Fast. It must also be made clear that not all Catholics had to follow fast and abstinence. The very young (up to 14 years of age) and the very old (past 65 years of age) were exempted, as were pregnant women and those who were ill. Those people whose livelihoods involved hard physical work were also exempted from the full observance of fasting.

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14y ago

The ban on eating meat on Good Friday was originally declared in the Latin language. The Latin word for 'meat' does not include 'fish' in its meaning.

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Q: Why do roman catholics eat fish on Good Friday?
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Why do you eat fish of good Friday?

Roman Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays during the season of Lent, which is the 40 days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, and does not include Sundays. Because Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, Roman Catholics abstain from eating the flesh of animals as a small reminder of how Jesus sacrificed Himself for them. Since they do not eat meat, many Roman Catholics replace it with fish (another source of protein)

What kind of fish can catholics eat Good Friday?


Do you eat FISH until Good Friday or eat meat until Good Friday?

Catholics abstain eating meat during Lent on every Friday of the season. Fish can be eaten on this day, just not red meat.

Why do Christians eat fish during Good Friday?

Catholics fast on Good Friday, and traditionally eat fish and not meat on Fridays during Lent. They used to be forbidden to eat meat every Friday, and depending upon their location and diocese, some still are. Good Friday is a fast day, where one goes without the usual luxuries as a form of penance, purification and remembrance of God's laws.Christ died on Good Friday, so we observe that every Friday in Lent including Good Friday.

Do you eat fish on Good Friday?

The catholics belive that eating red meat on Friday is a sin or disgrace and so the only meat they can eat is fish, that is not poultry or red meat. The above doesn't address the history of this tradition, which has nothing to do with piety. See links

Why you are not allowed fish on Good Friday?

you are allowed to eat fish on good Friday but just not meatfish is not classed as meat

Did people not eat fish on Friday to keep the fishermen in business?

No, the reason behind eating fish on Friday is a form of sacrifice since it is the day of the week that Jesus died for us. It is because Catholics over 14 are supposed to abstain from meat on Friday and we eat fish!

Can you eat chicken on Good Friday?

You can't eat meat on Good Friday, but you only eat fish instead. But some say This is the kind of nonsense that makes Protestants laugh at Catholics. The Bible CLEARLY says that we are free to fast or not fast, eat meat or not eat meat, as we please. IT CLEARLY says that these kinds of "religious practices" are worthless and that God sees "good works" as nothing but "filthy rags." Follow Jesus. Give Him your heart. That's all that counts. These kinds of questions reflect the kind of dead useless "religiosity" that Jesus came to ABOLISH!

Do the French eat meat on Good Friday?

Not all French people are Catholics, or strictly observant of religious rules, so maybe half of the French population will not pay heed whether it is Good Friday or not. That said, it is standard that in canteens (either at schools or at the workplace) that the menu on (regular) Fridays offers fish instead of meat or a similar alternative menu, even more so on Good Friday.

What did a Cincinnati McDonald's add to the menu in 1963 after observing that sales went down when Catholics abstained from beef on Friday?


What do Christian's traditionly eat on a Good Friday?

Fish is the traditional dinner

What did Jesus eat at lent?

Currently, Catholics have no requirements to eat something specific during Lent. They do, however, have to abstain from meat (excluding fish) on Friday's in Lent. They also have to fast on both Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Catholics of the appropriate ages (14 to about 60) are required to do this as long as they are in good health and are thus able to. Your question has a historical connotation when you use the word 'did'. I can not give you any historical information on perhaps past traditions no longer followed.