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Opinion This life is everything. There is nothing before or after this from a persons viewpoint. So why would that person not make the best use of it as they can? It's true that when you die, you simply cease to exist, but if there's a choice between happiness and complete oblivion, one would normally choose the first. If you mean caring about things other than their own well-being, then it's simply the knowledge that their actions could help to improve the lives of other people, or people in the future. Opinion. I know of a lot of people who believe and say this; "If nothing happens after you die, then care about what you want to care about, do whatever you want. because it does not matter what you do, this world will blow up and all that man did won't matter. So just live the way you want, and don't let anybody say to you, "you can't do that!" because it won't matter. Just tell them, "life is a pointless accident, remember, so do whatever you want." Atheists or people who believe in no afterlife, live by whatever makes them happy. Opinion To answer the question, one must understand the question. "Why care about anything?" Why indeed? Well, there is the philosophical, because it is the right thing to do, and none of us lives alone on this planet. There is the practical knowledge of repercussions if what we choose to do violates the rights of others or established laws; we don't live in a void. For a community to exist, people must interact, and in that interaction, they must adapt to the presence of the others. Opinion I believe - I hope - after I die to enjoy eternal life with God. But I think that even if I did not have faith and hope in an afterlife, it would matter to me a great deal that I did all I could to make those I love as happy as possible in this life. Because love and happiness ultimately seem to be what life is all about, what makes getting up in the morning worthwhile. I have discovered that my dreams of happiness for those I love sometimes fall short: they're unhappy; they suffer. If to enjoy even a few moments of happiness with one you love is heaven on earth, then to watch someone whose happiness means the world to you, suffer, and be unable to help, is hell on earth. After living a while, the question becomes, "if caring and trying as much as I do doesn't help others as much as I wish it did, then what's the point of caring about anything here in this life?" That's where the leap of faith can come in - to be able to say, "even though I may not obtain for those I love all that I want for them in this life, I hope to see them happy with me in the next." Then I can work for their happiness - and my own - in this life, but accept in faith the possibility of seeing our hopes for happiness ulitmately fulfilled only in Heaven. Opinion To say "Why care about anything if when you die nothing happens?" to me is a selfish thing. As a Christian, I believe that something happens - that eternity is spent with my God. But even if I was an atheist, we should still care. For, as far as this earth is concerned, we are not simply inheritors of it from those who have gone before us, but we are also custodians of this planet for those who will come afterwards. Whilst we may lead selfish lives, let's not forget that our own children and grandchildren reap the benefits of what we have sown. If we pollute the planet, if we wage war, if we allow global warming to take hold, if we allow poverty and oppression to flourish then this will be the legacy left for our descendants.

OpinionWhether there is life after death or not is irrelevant. What matters is the here and now. This present life is precious and worth living. You won the lottery, so to speak, when you were born. The chances of the sperm that united with the egg that resulted in you was millions to one, and to an atheist this is an amazing fact, because the game was not rigged by some god. You won fair and square over all those millions of other sperm cells. This life is likely all you will get, so treat it as precious, and live it to the fullest. Enjoy this one life while you can in the here and now. Even if you believe in some god it is a good idea to treat this life as the only one you will get. Many people waste this life in waiting for an eternal life in the hereafter that is by no means guaranteed or certain. Live for God if you believe in Him, to the best of your ability, but not to the neglect of this life, because as said, this is likely your one shot to enjoy existence.

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It is perfectly understandable that some Christians who have spent most of their lives in the hope and expectation of life after death, react with a mixture of despair and rage as they begin to realise that nothing happens when they die. However, atheists have no reason to be disappointed that there is no afterlife - they already know and accept that nothing happens when we die. Knowing that life is all there is to our personal existence, atheists actually try to make the most of every opportunity to enjoy life and to help others.
Atheists care about this life precisely because they know nothing happens when we die. And it is much nobler to do good for others and for our communities because they care, than merely to win favour with a God.

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