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It is based on equality which is a basic principle of democracy. It demands that the right to

vote should be equally available among all. To deny any class of persons from exercising

this right is to violate their right to equality. In fact, the spirit of democracy can be maintained

only if the people are given the right to vote without any discrimination. The exercise of

right to vote adds to the individual's self-respect, dignity, sense of responsibility, and political

and civic education. In other words, the system of adult franchise is the bedrock of a

democratic system. People are called political sovereign because they possess the right to

vote a government into power, or to vote a government out of power. That is why democracy

has sometimes been described as a mode of appointing, controlling and dismissing governments

by the people.

As provided for, in the Constitution of the land, the citizens cast their votes at regular

intervals to elect their representatives to the Parliament, to the Legislative Assemblies, and

such other institutions as are essential organs of political power in a democracy. These

institutions are called representative institutions precisely because they represent the will

Historically, adult franchise has been slow in making itself a universal law. In fact one of

the major demands in the long-drawn struggle for democracy in the world has been the

acceptance of the principle of universal adult franchise, as the basis of ascertaining the

wishes of people. Till the second decade of the twentieth century, not all the countries

were practising universal adult franchise. Many democratic systems had restricted to male

franchise only, based on property, education and other qualifications.

It is interesting to note that most of the western countries, which are known for their long

experience of some sort of representative system of governance, introduced adult franchise

only in the wake of the First World War (1914 - 18), a war which was proclaimed to be

fought by the Allied Powers (Great Britain, France and United States and the allies) to

make the 'world safe for democracy'. But while the 'defeated' Germany incorporated the principle of universal adult franchise in 1919, it took nine more years for Great Britain to Democracy at Work

extend franchise to women in 1928. In 1918, Britain had granted franchise to limited

number of women. It was decided that while all adult men, 21 years of age and above

would have the right to vote, women only above the age of 30 years could possess the

right to vote. This discrimination was removed only in 1928.

France, the land that gave the popular slogans of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, could

introduce the right of universal adult franchise to its people only after the end of the

Second World War i.e. 1945. Equally strange is the fact that Switzerland, the home of

direct democracy denied the right to vote to women till 1973. India adopted the principle of

universal adult franchise when the present Constitution was enacted in 1949 which as you

know was implemented on January 26, 1950.

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Real Democracy not possible without Universal Adult Franchise

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