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Not JUST Jews, anyone who wasn't a pure cenral European Aryan. The Jews were his most frequent target, since they were easily identified and who were perceived as "different" because of their practices. Hitler killed the Jews to fund his war, but he also wanted to take over Europe to allow Aryans to expand.

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12y ago

Quite simply put, he believed the Jews would accomplish World Domination. He also believed they would spread what he called communism, homosexuality, and idealology. Which none were true. He thought the Jews were cunning, and sneaky, trying to destroy Germany in a fight to the death.

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7y ago

Hitler wanted to blame someone for the economic destruction of WWI. The Jews seemed fit to blame, so Hitler blamed them, although it was not the Jews fault. This is not completely true, he wanted a reason for the economic failure (Great Depression). WWII didn't start until the German army invaded Poland. Although it is correct, it wasn't the Jews fault.Hitler was extremely antisemitic. Many Europeans were, however, genocide was only the solution of a madman such as Hitler.

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6y ago

Adolf Hitler killed/tried to wipe out Jews because he thought that they were the cause of everthing bad that happened to him and he encouraged other people to think that as well.... XD


Fortunately he did not wipe out the Jews - though he killed some 6 million people of who most were Jewish. Initially the Nazis were quite keen to rid Germany of the Jews by emigration, but then steadily made this more and more difficult.

Hitler regarded Jews, gypsies, blacks and homosexuals as the "untermenchen" - sub-humans tainting his imagined pure Aryan race he thought the birth-right of Germans and indeed of other NW Europeans. He also concocted the idea that the Jews were responsible for the humiliation and near-bankruptcy of Germany by her defeat in WW1. Aryan was originally a genuine, innocent racial name but its misappropriation by Hitler destroyed it; and such people, typified by Scandinavians, are now generally called Caucasian. (The Swastika was originally a very widely used religious or ornamental, peaceful, symbol; but it too still suffers from the National Socialist taint, even though the Nazis reversed it from its normal rotation.)

These two ideas found favour in a broken country trying to rebuild itself, especially when it became clear that opposing Hitler was dangerous anyway; and his extreme anti-Semitism became a near mass-hysteria whose first open demonstration was 'Kristallnacht', one night in which Jewish businesses throughout Germany were attacked, their libraries burnt, etc.

The racial motive also used a cruel pseudo-science prevalent in the early-20C, and called Eugenics. This advocated selectively breeding "perfect" humans - define "perfect". The Nazis tried it in occupied Norway, by fostering liaisons between German troops and Scandinavian women. Perhaps the worst of that was the appalling treatment of many of the resulting "lebensraum" children by their (step-)parents or other guardians, in Norway, after the War.

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12y ago

Hitler was racist and didn't like the Jewish or black people and thought that people who didn't have blonde hair or blue eyes weren't people

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11y ago

Because he was gay

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Q: Why did Hitler and the Nazi's want to exterminate the Jews?
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They did not plan to exterminate all Jews, just those living within their reach. Whether or not they hated them is irrelevant, what matters is that they did not want Jews in their society. The reasons for this was that they saw Jews as a threat to national security. They thought that Jews had an allegiance first to their faith rather than to the state. Most of the other reasons stem from this, they thought that Jews were more interested in making money than helping the state and that Jews were in charge of certain industries and banking, also and juxtaposed to this that they spread communism.

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They probably didn't want to believe that their life was about to fall apart. They probably thought that the Allies would stop Hitler before the Germans reached them. Or they were just in denial.

Why they killed children during the holocaust?

The Nazis wanted to exterminate (kill, destroy, completely eradicate) the Jews as a people. Eichmann and others involved in the planning made a point of stressing that the SS had to kill all Jews. He said there was no point in killing adult Jews if the children stayed alive, became adults and in due course produced children.

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Which groups of people did Hitler want to exterminate?

The Jewish, Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others), Communists, Socialists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and homosexuals.

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Hitler hated the Jews because before he wanted to rule the world he was an artist and he didnt get paid very much. The Jews on the otherhand had most of the well paid jobs and that was when Hitler started to hate the Jews.

What groups did the Nazis want to kill?

The Jews

What three race or ethnic did the axis powers want to exterminate any?

I'm not quite sure what your asking but the Italians just like the Nazi's had many concentration camps established to exterminate Jews, Slavs, Croats and all others deemed by the Nazis and facist Italians to be inferior or enemies to the Axis Powers.