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Charles Dickens wrote the Christmas Carol to emphasize the greediness of the rich and the horrible living conditions of the poor. Once he got a thunderous roar with the crowd about his speech about the greed and harsh living conditions, he wrote The Christmas Carol the same evening.

Many of Dickens's book deal with similar themes of the huge gap between rich and poor, and of justice coming to the poor in some form.

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in 1843, It was a response to a government report on the abuse of child labourers in mines and factories, Dickens vowed he would strike a "sledge-hammer blow . . . on behalf of the Poor Man's Child." That sledge-hammer was to be "A Christmas Carol."

In addition Dickens himself had suffered a life similar to that of his character Bob Cratchit. His father was a placed in prison for debt and Dickens himself taken out of school at 12 to work in a shoe polish factory

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Q: Why did Charles Dickens write the book 'A Christmas Carol'?
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