

Why did Copernicus become fascinated with astronomy?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why did Copernicus become fascinated with astronomy?
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Famus for his astronomy

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Why did Nicolas Copernicus like astronomy so much?

he found intrest in different kinds of astronomy:)

What did Copernicus study in school?

Astronomy, Astrology, Math, and Medicene

When did Copernicus contribute to astronomy?

His theory of the planets came out in 1543.

What did Copernicus do that made him famous?

Copernicus was famous for his great astronomy work and his life inventions. in University he studied Mathematics, Latin, Astronomy, Geography and Philosophy! His was very smart and used it to his advantage!

Where did nicolaus Copernicus die?

Nicolaus Copernicus died in what is now Frombork, Poland, on May 24, 1543. Copernicus is the father of modern day astronomy.