

Why did Europe want to trade with Mansa Musa?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why did Europe want to trade with Mansa Musa?
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What was Mansa Musa's impact on West Africa culture?

Most were from his pilgrimage to Mecca: 1)showed his devotion to Islam, encouraging it to spread 2)made new trade routes with Muslim states such as Egypt 3)brought scholars back to his kingdom 4)made Europe want the wealth of Africa

What did Mansa Musa think was true?

The question is missing a critical narrowing component. Mansa Musa necessarily thought a lot of things were true, such as the fact that gold is valuable, that salt preserves food and adds taste, that the stories of the griots were amusing and interesting, etc. Unless you want a list of everything that Mansa Musa thought, you may wish to narrow the question. If you wish to ask what religion he believed in, he was Sunni Muslim, most likely of the Maliki School.

What did mansa musa want to do in mecca?

He made a pligrimmage to Mecca, the Muslim holy city.

What was mansa musa young life like?

Mansa Musa was a West African man and the Mali Empire was in west Africa. So he was probably not tall because west Africans are generally not tall because that is not a West African trait. He was a dark skinned black man with negroid facial features and had kinky affro like hair. Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim but did not want to arabize Malian culture because he was proud of the many indigenous cultural identity's and cultural practices within the Mali Empire.

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East Asia had resources that Europe did not, such as certain spices or silk.

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Asia gave Europe silk and paper. Europe gave Asia tea

What made Europe want to colonize Africa?

because it was alot of diffrent trade problems and colonizing

Why did Europe want to trade with Asia?

They did not have items such as chinesesilk,spices such as cinamon,tea,gold,beautiful clothing.

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They knew China could be useful to them and the world market since it has very many useful items.

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its either in trade winds, westerlies , horse latitudes but I want to ask which one