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Please note that this question asks about why God made homosexuals, so it assumes that the person asking and answering the question share a common faith in God. See the related question for scientific explanations of homosexuality. Even though this question assumes a common faith in God, not everyone who believes in God shares the same beliefs about homosexuality. Here are some different viewpoints. * It isn't possible for us to identify all possible situations where all possible behaviors can be significant, but if you believe in a Creator, it's quite easy to imagine He/She would be able to identify the need for this kind of diversity, without putting judgment on the need to have the behavior included in the repertoire of human behaviors. Our problem is, some people become judgmental when facing what they do not understand. * This is a question that never can be truly answered and opinions can only be given. It's like saying "why does God allow babies to die at birth" or "why does God let good and honest people die by the hands of a murderer." I know I'm going to get my backside kicked on this one, but so be it. I am a Christian. This is strictly MY opinion on the matter. I do believe that most gays (some choose to be gay at a later date) are truly born this way. After all, we are created from the same substance as stars and our bodies are full of hormones. My theory is that some people have more of one hormone than another. No one has the right to chastise or cause pain towards ANYONE that is different be it sexually or racially. I was brought up that we are ALL God's children. To pick on or condemn a gay person or a person of a different color is a slap in God's face. HE is the only one that has the right to decide whether it's right or wrong. If one is a Christian then they must believe that no matter if they feel it's right or wrong regarding gays they do not have the right to harm or belittle anyone that is gay. I also find that people that protest the loudest against gays are simply afraid of the unknown. There is nowhere in The Bible that mentions gays are not acceptable. It does say "and man shall be with woman" but, also in the Bible it does mention gay activity (as we understand it today.) * God "made" homosexuals for the same reason He made other sinners. From Adam and Eve we have been given the right '''and''' responsibility to choose for ourselves whom we would follow: God, or our own wisdom. Adam chose poorly, and this world has suffered for it ever since. The side question to all this is whether homosexuality is something one is born with, or if it is the result of decisions made afterward. Given the number of people I know personally who have '''chosen''' to leave the homosexual lifestyle for a heterosexual one, I have to say that not all homosexuals are "born that way," and therefore have zero responsibility in their choices. By the same token, heterosexuals are just as "born that way" towards desiring the opposite gender, but the responsibility of choice on what to do with that desire is there as well. Matthew 13:24-30 provides a parable that may help explain why God allows certain things to happen; Jesus explains the parable in verses 36-42. See the Related Links for links to these verses. * God created homosexuals so they would provide valuable services, such as , food gathering, protection from attack/predators, production of goods/services for their society, while at the same time not increase the burden on that society by bringing into it more children in need of care, food and protection from attack.

* God does not make sinners - He makes people, and people choose to sin. God created man in his own image , but that has nothing to do with God creating homosexuals, because God is not a homosexual. God is in fact heterosexual, and therefore anything created in his image would also be heterosexual, not homosexual.)) We are placed on the earth with agency, or the ability to act for ourselves. God does not force anyone to do anything. The way you are is the way you have decided to be. Does God make people sin? No. He teaches us why we should not sin. So why would God make someone be homosexual? In the Bible we read the account of when He destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Why? Because they were all sinners and it was better for them to die then to continue sinning and making themselves worse. So what was their sin? The Bible says that it was two main things: Homosexuality and Bestiality (also called Sodomy, receiving its name from this biblical city). So if God destroyed those cities for being homosexuals, why would He make people homosexuals? He doesn't. It's your choice, and he wants everyone, including homosexuals to repent and return to Him. * This assumes belief that a deity exists. Without belief in a deity the answer is rather simple. The cause of homosexuality is identical to the cause of heterosexuality. * The Bible is God's word, the truth, and a guide as to living in this material world, and nowhere in the bible does it agree with homosexuality. We cannot bend the teaching of the bible to accommodate our likes and dislikes, but in fact that is what people do. You should read what the Bible says about homosexuality and then repent of your sins and be forgiven. * Readers should be aware that the foregoing opinions on homosexuality represent just a few of the many viewpoints embraced by the various organized religions. Indeed, some religions openly accept homosexuality while many others tacitly condone it. Most stop well short of equating homosexuals with "perverts, child molesters and murderers."

* God created homosexuals, or gay people as some say, as a means of population control. * When God created us, He created us to have free will and choices. and to make our own decisions. That's why when you sin or make a wrong decision, he doesn't strike lightning down on you. He simply lets you pay for what you did with natural consequences.

* God didn't create homosexuals, but created humans with free will and choice. Those people just made the decision to like the same sex. There's nothing wrong with it.

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10y ago

It does seem odd that God would make something that supposedly he is supposed to hate.. So why make people gay? Why make people we were taught to hate? Maybe people were made gay to see if we a human race can overcome what we were taught and accept. By accepting them, we are sharing God's love. But this love is tough to give, as you may have been taught not to accept them, it's definitely tougher to give than giving it to a family member. Maybe God made people gay in hopes that people are strong enough to accept the challenge and still share God's love.


God didn't "make" gay people. He made "two people": "...male and female He created them..." (Gen.1:27 NLT New Living Translation). God made the two sexes so that they could participate in the creation of all the rest of His future Children and Family.

God gave them the world He made for them and gave them dominion over it... to do with it what they would. He gave them instructions as to the right way to rule themselves; told them what's right and wrong [His laws], along with a warning:

"...the Lord God gave him this warning: 'You may freely eat any fruit in the garden except fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil..." (Gen.2:16-17 NLT).

The god of this world introduced himself to them and convinced them that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil [deciding for themselves what's right or wrong, instead of believing what their Creator told them it is] is the way to go. They "believed" this new god, obeyed him... and THEY MADE FOR THEMSELVES, along with all the deceived generations of their children that followed [including ourselves], the world we live in today.

God didn't make gay people. He made a "man and a woman." He made the "two sexes."

It's deceived mankind and their chosen god ["...the ancient Serpent called the Devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world..." - Rev.12:9 NLT] who made what followed.

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11y ago

Answer 1

God created one male and one female [not two lesbians]... and told them what was good [His laws - Rom.7:12; the transgression of which is 'sin' - I John 3:4] and what was evil [lawlessness; disobedience].

He warned them not to disobey Him by choosing evil, disobeying His laws... a warning which they didn't heed; choosing, instead, to obey and worship another.

God also told the male and female to "be fruitful and multiply" [Gen.1:28].

These first two people whom God created -- male and female -- disobeyed their Creator's commandment to avoid the evil... and obeyed the commandment to be fruitful and multiply; and the world that resulted from this combination was set in motion by them.

It was their children, following the false lead of their parents and the god they chose to worship, who created "lesbians"... and murder, and false witness, idol worship, false gods, theft, Sabbath-breaking, disrespect, lust, etc... that rules the world, today.

God created one male and one female. It was they and their disobedient children who created all the people and everything that followed.

Answer 2

Many in the religious community choose to believe that sexual preference is a choice and therefore, anybody who states that they are attracted to someone of the same sex is doing so because that is the lifestyle they wish to lead. Religious individuals will claim that these people want the publicity, the rebellion, and other nonsense that comes with being a person with that kind of sexual orientation. This obviates the question by saying that God did not create lesbians and lesbians created themselves.

Most in the scientific community and those who support LGBT rights claim that there is something inherently biological (though not genetic since we have relatively solid proof that genetics is not a good indicator of sexual orientation) compels a person to be attracted to someone else of the same gender. For those individuals who believe in God and who believe in the biological basis of homosexuality, this question is important.

Most religious people who accept the biological basis of homosexuality do not see a necessary link between having a sexual orientation that is homosexual (i.e. men being attracted to men) and acting upon that orientation (i.e. a man dating or marrying another man). These religious people claim that these individuals were given a unique set of obstacles to overcome to live as God demanded. Some people are poor, some people are physically disabled, and some people are homosexual, but in each case, the disadvantaged nature of the person is only given since their capability of joining the moral path is greater and they need a more difficult test to match that capability. A person attracted to the same sex has the religious obligation to marry and raise a family with a person of the opposite sex, just like the majority.

Less dogmatic religious individuals assert comically that God made lesbians for personal enjoyment or that God created human beings in a wide variety of ways and this is just another one of those ways.

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7y ago

Your right God hates homosexuality but God didn't create homosexuals. God doesn't force people to obey Him and this kind of behaviour is a result of people turning away from God and His ways.

Romans 1:24 - 27 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.

For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.

After many generations of living with no regard for God mankind is capable of any form of iniquity and perversion and accepts this as 'normal' behaviour

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12y ago

If God made ALL people, then homosexuals would be included.

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This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.

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