

Why did blacks go to Liberia for freedom in 1816?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: Why did blacks go to Liberia for freedom in 1816?
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Liberia, I think

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Blacks had to go to different resturants than whites

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to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom to go against british laws and to get freedom

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Black codes were codes made during Reconstruction after the Civil war, they were made to control blacks after they were emancipated. They were not actual Laws, but like a code of conduct in the south. They basically included that blacks had to be in service of a white person, that they could not have congregations together, that they could not speak out, and that they could not have weapons. They also included that blacks could not go out without a white 'supervisor'

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How many kids go to school in Liberia?

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What happens if a soldier in the national guard doesn't go to Liberia?

he eats yo sandwiches

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No- not really, He did issue the famous proclamation that freed the slaves in the seceded states, but that was pretty much the extent of the rights that he gave to blacks. But of course, he died just as the Civil War ended. He did not have any opportunity to deal with what rights should be given to ex-slaves beyond freedom to go where they wanted to go, and the power of the President to give out rights is quite limited.

Did blacks go to the north to farm?

No blacks went north to escape the slavery of the southern plantation owners in the south.

Why were Liberia and Ethiopia not colonized?

Liberia was colonized by the for 27 years in the early 1800s before the European scramble for Africa. It was home for freed slaves to go back to Africa. The Ethiopians were able to fight of the Italians and keep themselves from getting colonized.