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Rabbits can face complications during birth, such as difficulty delivering the babies or issues with the mother's health. It's possible that your rabbit experienced complications like uterine inertia, fetal distress, or other birthing difficulties that led to her passing. It's essential to consult with a veterinarian to determine the specific cause of your rabbit's death and to ensure the health of any surviving babies.

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4w ago
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13y ago

There could be many reasons behind this, it would be best to ask a vet, but my opinions are that:

  1. The rabbit was possibly quite young/this was her first litter, and she wasn't ready for it, which caused her stress.
  2. She could have become too stressed or scared/spooked by something, which scared her to death.
  3. Complications with the kittens, they could have been too big or too hard to get out.
  4. Its possible that she simply bled to death, or was not strong enough after/during the labour to survive.
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