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Because that is the way Henry VIII set it up. The King or Queen is the head of the Church of England and the Archbishop of Canterbury serves at the pleasure of the current ruler of England.

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Q: Why did the Anglican Church become England's official church?
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They were forced to pay taxes to the Anglican Church.

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Kate Middleton is not Catholic. She is a member of the Anglican Church (The Church of England).

What are the rituals of the Anglican church?

The Anglican Church celebrates Holy Mass, and believers partake in communion as they commemorate the death and resurrection of Christ. Believers are baptized and become members of Godâ??s family.

What happens to an Anglican parish church that has no church warden?

An Anglican parish church that has no Church Warden is run by the Church Vestry (also known as the Parish Council.) The Church Warden is appointed by the minister. In practice, usually the archdeacon or, at the very least, the rural dean will become involved to attempt to appoint a churchwarden.

Which religion did England follow when Elizabeth 1 became Queen?

Elizabeth I established as the official religion a Protestant church that became the Church of England. ANGLICAN CATHOLIC ANSWER Apart from the Republican experiment between 1642 and 1660, The Religion of England has always been Catholic! Not Roman Catholicism, which is derived from Trent, but the old teaching of the first thousand years derived from Revelation, Scripture and the Councils. All Henry did was to introduce a new note of Nationalism in to the equasion. What Eliza did was throw off her sister, Queen Mary's attempt to inflict the teachings of the Council of Trent on to the English Church! At no time did the Anglican Church become protestant, indeed, in 1640 it resisted an attempt by a packed protestant parliament to inflict Calvinism on to the English Church!

The church started by King Henry VIII?

If you are speaking of Henry VIII, then that would be the Church of England, also known as the Anglican church.

Why are ministers converting from the Anglican church to Catholicism?

The Anglican Church tries to be a universal Church at the same time as it lacks the disciplined hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church. General decisions for the Anglican Communion as a whole are made by consensus or vote, with individual bishops having considerable latitude in implementing or opposing those decisions. Two decision that have been welcomed by some bishops but strenuously opposed by others, are the ordination of women as priests and the the ordination of homosexuals as priests. Some conservative ministers who feel they can not accept these decisions have chosen to leave the faith and become priests in the Roman Catholic Church.

When did William Wilberforce become a Catholic?

I don't believe that William Wilberforce, Anglican Evangelical and founder of the British Abolitionist movement in Parliament, ever did become a Catholic. His son, however, Henry William Wilberforce did convert to Catholicism in 1850 after serving as an Anglican cleric for nearly 17 years. It is believed that he followed his wife into the Catholic church - though one of his benefactors in the Anglican church was John Henry (Cardinal) Newman, who discovered his own alignment with Catholic doctrine and dogma while authoring an extended series of "tracts" against them.

Who was the Anglican church founded by?

I believe the Anglican church was founded after a discussion: A king wanted to divorce his wife and marry his 'mistress'. Only one person wanted to do that and that was the Archbisshop of Canterbury (Cranmer I believe). They founded the Act Of Supremacy which says that the king is the supreme head in church, right under God, as long as the commandments of God allow it. It did not become the state religion then, but after the Glorious Revolution. Watch out: officially the Anglican Church is Catholic but they see themselves more as a combination between Catholic and Protestant. I hope this is enough for you :-) Jan Sauvillers

Did England become protestant in the 16th century?

The clue is to know what makes a Protestant, and then to see what rules the different monarchs set.The answer is that English became more and less Protestant depending on the monarch, and ended up with Elizabeth being Protestant, but not extreme ProtestantFfionxxx

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A will may be read in church or not. That is up to the executor and the church officials. The will does not become official in the United States until it is read in probate court.

What religion is the English royal family?

The is no current King of England nor Queen of England as Queen Elizabeth II is queen of the United Kingdom. The Queen is married to the Duke of Edinburgh who was not able to take the title of King. The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England which is a reformed Catholic church. The Duke of Endnburgh was born in Greece and renounced the Greek Orthadox faith to become an Anglican.