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The volcano montserrat erupted because of various reasons. Humans did not contribute towards the eruption of the volcano, however they were effected by the eruption greatly. The main reason that the volcano erupted due to it lying on a destructive plate boundary, where the heavier north American plate, was sinking underneath the lighter Caribbean plate causing a subduction zone. Due to the sinking of the north American plate into the Mantle, magma started to rise which caused the volcano to erupt. The volcano also had to 'clear its throat' and let off a lot of gas ect.

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12y ago
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7y ago

Soufriere Hills on the island of Montserrat has a very interesting past, and was one of the first documented cases of a period volcano. Before its eruption in 1995 it had been dormant since roughly 1630. However, preceeding the eruption when historical records and studies were analyzed roughly every 20 years there were harmonic tremors beneath Soufriere Hills. This led scientists to believe that the volcano roughly every twenty years had been trying to erupt albeit unsuccessfully. The pressures that had built up under the volcano in 1995 were eventually enough to overcome the degenerative process of weight and pressure of the volcano itself and erupted with explosive fashion. The eruption itself was mostly gas driven like any other volcano, however due to the magmatic make up of this volcano being Rhyo-Dacite the eruption was extremely explosive. Rhyo-Dacite is very viscous and readily traps gasses in it, when the pressure gets to be too much the gasses are explosively released pulverizing the lava into ash and causing pyroclastic flows and surges.

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13y ago

The Montserrat volcano, thought to be dormant, erupted in July of 2008. It erupted due to being near a destructive plate boundary, collis erupted for a very similar reason.

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