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All babies do not start off as a girl in the mother's womb.

Here's why:

Women only produce X chromosomes. Men produce both X and Y chromosomes. XX = female and XY = male. When a woman's egg (X) is fertilized by a man's Y sperm a boy baby is conceived. When a woman's egg (X) is fertilized by a man's X sperm a girl baby is conceived.

So the man makes a son or a daughter. The woman is unable to determine the gender of the baby. During conception there is a 50% chance of creating a boy and a 50% chance of creating a girl but either way it all depends on whether a Y sperm gets to the egg first to fertilize it OR an X sperm reaches the egg first.

Gender is complete at the moment of fertilization (conception) and then the baby (whether male or female) continues to grow and develop in the mother's uterus (womb).


^That's not fully correct

All babies do have a set gender but they do all start off with female sex organs. This is because the male organs form from chemical stimulation of the female organs. We don't know why this is.

And in cases of pregnancies at an older age, there is more chance of chromosomal abnormalities, which means the mother could be the one to create the male baby (and not the dad like normal pregnancies).

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13y ago

well science has shown that many baby are likely to be girl and as month passes you'll keep getting different genders


They start with female reproductive organs but it's the presence of the Y chromosome that makes them male, not the presence of sex organs. So even if they have female organs, they are male because of their DNA. Then after awhile, the female parts stay or change into male parts (due to Y chromosome). It doesn't change again after that.

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