

Why do babies cry?

Updated: 11/14/2022
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8y ago

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Babies cry because it is there way of expressing themselves because they can't talk. They can't come up to you and "say hey I'm hungry."

It is normal for a baby to cry. Crying also serves to form a bond between the mother / caretaker and the baby.

HOWEVER, if your baby cries endlessly, cannot be soothed or comforted, and if the crying seems related to feeding/nursing or if there is increased crying after being fed, then the baby should be checked by a doctor.

Babies cry because they could:

  • be wet or have soiled the diaper
  • be cold OR too hot
  • be hungry
  • be in pain - example, a diaper pin on cloth diaper is poking them
  • have gassy pains
  • have to BURP- we all have to!
  • be constipated
  • be in pain - colic can cause lots of chronic belly pain
  • be tired / need to sleep
  • be fevered from a cold, from teething, or another illness
  • be fevered after a vaccination
  • be teething
  • be lonely
  • need their mom or dad
  • want to be carried
  • have been started by something or someone

Basically, the major cries of a newborn to older infant include:

  • hunger
  • thirst
  • pain
  • illness
  • need held/comforting

    Contrary to the opinions of some mothers, babies shouldnever be left to cry endlessly or to cry themselves to sleep. They cry because either they don't have comfort ,love or attention.Also they cry because they need their diaper changed,they need their feeding of milk or soft foods or they want to sleep!!!So parents please treat your child with love and care and pay close attention you do not want to lose the most precious thing in the world over a childish situation.

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They cry because they don't know of any other way to communicate to you what they want yet. And since we don't always know why they are crying it becomes a hunt to figure out what the problem is (Diaper, Hungry, Sick, Lonely, Scared, etc…).

As they grow they well use other communication skills (while they are learning to use actual words) such as pointing and pouting, tantrums and crying again. The learning process can be frustrating, for you and the child, but they tend to keep to visual and obvious gestures to let you know what they want.

Most children resort to the more negative reactions because parents will usually cave at that point just to get them to behave and be quiet

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They do that to get the babies to clear out their lungs. crying is good for babies, it strengthens their lungs too. just don't let them cry too much!