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babies have soft skin because their mother keeps it clean. the baby also hasn't been effected by the sun, chemicals, and other harmful substances. its also because the baby is young so it produces more skin cells than us. the baby hasnt had too much sugar, fat, etc that makes the skin age faster.

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11y ago

Because baby's have sex at a very early age and Chopped Gary.

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Q: Why do babies have soft skin?
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Why do babies have soft skin and hair?

Their skin and hair is soft because they been sitting in water for a long period of time. Unlike adults, babies' skin or hair have not been exposed to the elements such as the sun, wind, snow, ect.

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A soft cloth such as cotton is generally recommended for babies clothing as it is cool and the fibres allow air to circulate around the babies skin. Cotton is also a very soft fabric so is comfortable and will not irritate the skin

Do babies have soft skin?

babies have soft skin because their mother keeps it clean. the baby also hasn't been effected by the sun, chemicals, and other harmful substances. its also because the baby is young so it produces more skin cells than us. the baby hasnt had too much sugar, fat, etc that makes the skin age faster.

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The phrase "soft as a baby's bottom" likely originated due to the perception that babies have exceptionally smooth and soft skin. The phrase is often used to describe something that is very smooth or soft in texture.

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When was The Soft Skin created?

The Soft Skin was created in 1964.

What is the duration of The Soft Skin?

The duration of The Soft Skin is 1.88 hours.

Which soft toys make babies happy?

There are a couple of soft toys that make babies happy. Some of those toys include fluffy, soft teddy bears and other furry animals. There are also soft blocks made for babies.

What are the advantages of buying cloth diapers?

Cloth diapers do not have any chemicals in them (unlike disposable ones), they are soft on the babies skin, recycleable, does not cause dryness or rashes.

Can children get skin tags?

Yes, Children Of Any Age Can Get Skin Tags. Some Babies Are Born With Them, And They Are Most Likley To Occur In Places Where Skin Is Soft And Gentle Like Around The Eyes, Armpits Etc. Skin Tags Can Be Removed, But Are Not Harmful And Not Usually Annoying In Anyway.

How is the skin for a child?

It depends. Most young children have very soft skin (you may have heard the expression "baby-soft"), but at times, even babies can get a skin condition that makes their skin red (often called a "rash"), or produces a scaly, thick patch of itchy, dry skin (this condition is called eczema). These conditions are generally not serious, and your doctor can give you a cream or lotion to put on the part of the body that is irritated.

What does it mean when a girl says wow your skin is soft?

It means that you have smooth soft skin, and she admires it.