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Possibly because they are growing so much and their bodies are tired from it.Teenagers need more sleep too and they are growing a lot as well. It is also to give the brain a chance to download everything it has absorbed while awake. A newborn is constantly learning, absorbing, observing & growing, it's brain needs time to process it all and store it away as information to be recalled at a later date.

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cuz there YOUNGER!

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Q: Why do babies need more sleep than adults?
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Why do teenagers need more sleep than adults?

because they are physically maturing and need more sleep.

Do teens need more sleep than adults?


Does every one does need the right amount of sleep?

Yes, everyone needs the right amount of sleep or your brain cannot function right. Your body can also go slower and ache more because their tired. You do need the right amount of sleep but babies are different than kids, and kids are different from adults, and adults are different from elderly people.

Why do Teenagers sleep more then Adults?

Because The Younger You Are The More sleep You Need . When Your Younger Your Body Needs More Time To Fuel Up All Your Energy .

How much sleep do you need to stay healthy?

The amount of sleep requirement is age depent. Children need more than adults. See Related Links.

How much sleep do you need to be healthy?

Most adults need 6-8 hours of sleep, but children or growing people may need 7-9 or more, depending on age.

How many hours of sleep if you are 11?

Babies need 18 hours sleep, Toddlers need 12 hours, Children need 10 hours, Adults need 7 hours. I however (Being eleven), think that an eleven year old needs between 9 - 10.

What is the amount of sleep for children and adults?

Younger people need to have more sleep for brain development. 12 hours. Adults dont develop there brain and techincally need only 6-8 hours. Young adults should get 10 and to be well rested, so should everyone else.

How much sleep do babies need?

2-3 hours

Why do babies sleep too much?

Their little bodies learn more in two days than you do in two years(not literally ). Give them a break their bodies are having to learn alot in a short time period. They will (most of them) grow out of it eventually. or they have a sleeping disorder

How much sleep do adults need?

Most adults need seven to eight hours a night for the best amount of sleep, although some people may need as few as five hours or as many as 10 hours of sleep each day.

How much sleep does a newborn baby need?

A newborn may sleep as much as 16 hours a day (or even more), often in stretches of 3 to 4 hours at a time. And like the sleep all of us experience, babies have different phases of sleep: drowsiness, REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, light sleep, deep sleep, and very deep sleep. As babies grow, their periods of wakefulness increase. At first, though, the need to feed will outweigh the need to sleep. Many pediatricians recommend that a parent not let a newborn sleep too long without feeding. In practical terms, that means offering a feeding to your baby every 3 to 4 hours or so, and possibly more often for smaller or premature babies. Breastfed infants may get hungry more frequently than bottle-fed babies and need to nurse every 2 hours in the first few weeks.