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Your body can't handle the potassium :(

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Q: Why does eating a banana make your stomach ache?
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If i ate mentos and drank coke would I explode Or like get a really bad stomach ache?

Drinking coke and eating mentos might give you a stomach ache, but it certainly wouldn't make you explode.

Is it bad for you to eat spicy foods?

Yes. Eating spicy foods can make you have a stomach ache and even a painful throat.

Do dogs eat grass when they have a stomach ache?

Yes. I usually catch my dog eating it, that's when i know shes sick.

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make your dick bigger

What happens if you eat chap stick?

You will be fine eating chap stick will not hurt you if you accidentally eat some it fine you might get a stomach ache if you have a sensitive stomach but most people don't have one. But if you get a stomach ache drink some carbonated water because sugared drinks like Dr.pepper, coke and Root beer will make you stomach worse. I am glad I could help!

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You will vomit or have a terrible stomach ache.

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Bad eating ice cream?

you could get sick from it or you could get a stomach ache trust me it is possible and its not fun so if you ever have a over due date make sure to throw it away

What are the differences between yogurt and ice cream nutritionally?

ice cream can make your stomach ache and yogurt can help your stomach

How do you get rid of a stomache ache?

Though it may feel like you don't want to eat anything, try eating saltine crackers. They always help me to get rid of a stomach ache. Also, lie on your back and relax for a little while. Rub your stomach up and down. Sometimes it works. DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANY DAIRY PRODUCTS. IT WILL ONLY MAKE IT WORSE. Lie on your left side for 5 minutes. This side is where your stomach is and will help you burp. Have some soup! Tums help also.

Do raw carrots make your stomach ache?

they are fresh carrots and i am 48 years old,i like raw carrots but they have always hurt my stomach. and you can also be licking tthem to much... the slaviva isnt good... unless your a pedo...