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cover up more, probably cold air. If you sleep on your back put a pillow under your knees. Do you do a sport?. Dont worry its most likely not an injury since its both your feet. You may also have low blood pressure

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Q: Why do both of my feet hurt in the morning?
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You may have plantar fasciitis.

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So I was skateboarding and was going to fast I fell and I hurt both feet some guy said it was a sprain so I am like OK and I taught if I sleeped on it will feel better but they still hurt I don't no what to do should I go to the doctor so both of my feet hurt when I walk.

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If you feel your feet hurt

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You can soak your feet in hot water. Take a bucket that can fit both you feet and fill it up with hot water. Then place both you feet in it and RELAX. do this for about 10-15 min.

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It means, literally, "Your feet hurt you". As a question, this would come out as "do your feet hurt?" As a statement, "your feet hurt."

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"Feet" is the plural noun in "The cat hurt its front feet."

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If you just got it done, yes it will hurt.

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Both. But also because they're comfortable and they don't hurt your feet.

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Just as you did. "Why did you like when it hurt both of us?"

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