

Why do cats meow and tigers growl?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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When cats are VERY angry, they growl too. Mine pretends to bark so it growls

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Q: Why do cats meow and tigers growl?
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What sounds do cats make?

Cats meow, hiss, growl and purr. When mating, they may also moan.

What is a feline cry called?

Felines make a variety of sounds. Large cats like tigers, lions, leopards and jaguars roar, growl, even a magnified purring sound. Also a "pooking", chuffing sound. Smaller felines meow, scream, growl, and moan.

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AnswerDogs can purr like cats. I've heard my dog purr before. Dogs can make about ten sounds like purr, growl, bark, wimper, yawn, and howl, but those are just a few.

What kind of cats dont meow?

Typicly, all cats do meow unless something has happend to the cat at birth or otherwise. Every cat that has not been "changed" in some way will meow. Some cats like cougars and anything in that sort DO meow, just they all let out a more fierce growl. Hope this helps!

What are other names for meow meow?

a cats voice

Do cats only meow around people?

No. Cats will vocalize around other cats, and a mother cat will meow to call her kittens.

Do white tigers bark?

No. Dogs bark, Cats growl. A tiger is a cat.

What sounds tigers make?

tigers growl, roar and purr.

Do Birman cats meow a lot?

Birman cats do not meow a lot; in fact, they are known for being docile and quiet.

Why do female rabbits growl?

All domestic rabbits growl when they are angry or scared. It might mean that you did something she didn't appreciate like touching her back feet or putting a leash on that wasn't her size. Also, all female rabbits get more aggressive when they are breeding.

Do Himalayan kittens meow?

Yes, all kittens meow even cats meow.

Why do cats only meow?

Because believe it or not, they all sound different. Some sort of screech others are high pitched, some sort of yap and they all growl!Because believe it or not, they all sound different. Some sort of screech others are high pitched, some sort of yap and they all growl!