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Basically we are all made up from 50% mum and 50% dad. Chromosomes are a condensed version of our DNA; these chromosomes (DNA) contain the genes that tell our body what to do during development and throughout our lives. We have 23 chromosome pairs in total we get one chromosome from the mother and one from the father. The chromosomes are called homologous since each chromosome pair will contain the same genes on it but the genes will not necessarily code for the same thing. For example a chromosome will have the genes for eye color on it and since we have one from the mother and father we will have a pair of chromosomes with the gene with eye color on it. This would be a homologous chromosome pair, however one gene may say blue eyes the other may say brown eyes. The genes are still the same however each color would be a different allele for the gene.

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they have the same genes in the same locations as one another

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