

Why do college students stop watching cartoons?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Well, most people who have been in college or just entered college may think that Cartoons are imature and childish, and think that their too old for it.

Some may be scared that if their friends knew they watched cartoons they'd laugh at them.

No matter, everyone needs a good cartoon now and then. ^.^

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they need to be mature. i have 14 brothers and sisters in my family 7 of them are in university and non of them watch cartoons. my twin sisters tori and Sam are 6 and a half and they don't watch cartoons so if u still watch cartoons and u r in university grow up!

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As long as you like watching them, and you find them entertaining, of course not! If your friends disapprove, then they are not true friends. I am still watching power rangers! Keep on Watching!

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Maybe if you're not spending time with her.

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irt doesn't matter what age you are you can watch whatever shows and cartoons you like....... nice question mate........

Why should people stop watching only cartoons by the age of 18 and over?

I know huh, that's what happens when you watch sitcoms and dramas