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Horses have large flat incisors because this is what they need to eat tough plant forage. Horses evolved over 65 million years to eat first leaves then grasses as grasslands began to emerge. The large flat incisors allow the horse to grind down the tough plants for better digestion.

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9y ago
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12y ago

Cows don't need the upper incisors because they user their tongues to grip and rip up the grass, instead of using their lips and teeth like horses do. The lower incisors help tear the cow tear the part of the grass that the cow wants to eat from the rest of the plant, and the tongue does the rest.

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14y ago

They are herbivores and herbivores have flat teeth for chewing grass and other vegetation easily.

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Q: Why do humans have flat teeth?
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The name for the humans flat back teeth are called the molars

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Sharp teeth are for eating meat, flat teeth are for eating plants, vegetables, etc. Ex: Canine teeth on humans are for meat, molar teeth are for plants

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A mixture of both. Look at humans!

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If by round, you mean 'not sharp' that would be most of the vegetarian animals, such as: cows, deer and koalas. They have wider flatter teeth in order to chew plants, grass, leaves and vegetation, kind of like the molars humans have in the back of the mouth.

Compare and contrast herbivores with omnivores?

the carnivore has sharp teeth and the herbivore has dull teeth. the omnivore has sharp teeth and dull teeth.

What kind of teeth do herbivores do herbivores have?

they have flat teeth

Do woodchucks have flat teeth?

Woodchucks have the same number of teeth as Beavers.

What kind of teeth do herbivores have Flat or poinited or sharp?

Herbivores have flat teeth that they use to eat plants. Carnivore have the pointy, sharp teeth that they use to rip up their meat. So to answer your question, herbivores have flat teeth.

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What is the difference between the teeth of carnivores and herbivores?

Carnivores have pointed teeth to chew through meat, but herbivores have flat teeth to chew on plants and vegetation. Humans have both pointed teeth and flat teeth, our canines and our molars.