

Why do crocodiles look like there smiling?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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there grining

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Q: Why do crocodiles look like there smiling?
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Why do crocodiles always look like they are smiling?

because they are happy

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The shape of their mouth often makes it look like they are smiling.

How does a crocidiles look like its smiling?

it is always happy

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They live in swaps.

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of course like baby crocodiles

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Crocodiles are found in rivers and swamps around the world, in trpoical regions.

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Smiling at them helps. Look them in the eye and be honest.

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Why does a crocodile always look like its smiling?

A FACT: Crocodiles cannot cry; they lack tear ducts. Yet this is a myth; Crocodiles possess lacrimal glands which secrete a proteinaceous fluid, just like in humans, though tears will only be visible after a crocodile is out of the water for a prolonged period of time, and dries out. However, while crocodiles can and do generate tears, this is solely a method of cleaning their eyes - they do not weep or cry for remorse. A PROVERB: Crocodile tears is false or insincere weeping, a hypocritical display of emotions. The expression comes from an ancient anecdote that crocodiles weep in order to lure their prey, or that they cry for the victims they are eating. They are fake tears.The allusion is to an old notion that crocodiles cry whilst eating their prey. Also, if out of the water for some time they weep to lubricate dry eyes. Crocodile tears are a way of expressing superficial sympathy form human beings. It is a way of expressing insincere remorse

How is a crocodiles snout different from a alligators snout?

they actuly look like the same thing except allagators is flat like and a crocodiles looks like a little bump on the end of his nose area

Why do people say cheese when they get their picture taken?

Because it puts the mouth into a smiling position.

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only if she has a happy face or smiling