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Deer Sticking out their Tongues

When a deer or any animal dies, the muscles involuntarily relax; There is no muscle control to keep the tongue in the mouth or the eyes focused or to keep any muscle in position- this is called 'primary flaccidity.'

So, the deer's jaw will open and its tongue will slide right out, the eyes roll back and even the bladder releases whatever is left in it...

A few hours after death, though, the opposite happens! The body of the deer (or any animal) will become stiff and the muscles will lock into position- this is called rigor mortis. If the tongue is left untouched it will be rigid outside the open jaw, but of the tongue is tucked back into the mouth, say by a hunter, the tongue will stay rigid inside the closed Jaw.

On a sidenote, You can't blame the deer, I would also stick my tongue out at someone who hunted and shot me down.

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14y ago

they hang out because they cant control it because they were shot and are trying to get air

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