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It is just how they were bred by God




You idiot, it's a know fact that 90% of dogs were made by Humans in the last 200 years through genetic selection, to pick desirable traits.

So for the question now, there are two reason why some dogs have pointy ears. 1. The owner cropped the dogs ears, by going to a vet. and asking them to crop the dog's ears. 2. They are naturally born that way, such as most types of terriers.

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12y ago
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16y ago

Could be a fungal infection or simply that it is not the ear that normally faces downward during sleep. Or just one ear producing more wax than the other. A gentle wipe with a cotton bud dampened with a warm, dilute disinfectant will keep it clean.

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14y ago

They do this if they have something irritating them in their ears. This may be a grass seed or may be a mite infestation. Take your dog to the vet for a checkup.

They also shake their heads when you are offering something, and they don't want to eat it, either because they are full, or they do not like it.

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12y ago

a dog can put its ears back for many reasons. My dog dose it when ever I come home. He puts them back, lowers his head, and trots to me with his tail wagging. He dose it as a sign of submission and happiness that I am home, ready for me to pet his head and he doesn't want those big ears in the way. He also dose it durning play with me and other dogs.

another thing it can mean is that the animal is upset and could bite. Watch the rest of the body language closely. And if your not sure just let them be or ask the owner what their dog is felling.

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16y ago

certain dogs have long ears due to being in the hunting category or hound blood line. when a dog smells or tracks the ears act as a sweeping motion to help stir the sent

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15y ago

Dogs ears are sensitive because there hearing is 40 times better than ours. so dont scream into their ears.

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15y ago

Three possible things: 1. it is being submissive 2. it is nervous 3. it is excited

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9y ago

The slits in a dogs ears do not have a function. They are a result of the muscle placement in their ears that allows them to move their ears.

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12y ago

It is listening carefully. No jokes

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Most people believe that when a horse puts her ears back she is expressing anger or aggression. This is true only some of the time. Other times it may indicate threat she's listening behind her, that she's afraid, or even that she is a little sleepy. When a horse puts her ears back flat to her neck and shows the white of her eyes, she really means it! You will often see horses in groups use this expression with one another. It is a threat, and the threat may be followed up with a bite or sometimes a kick.

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if you mean in English than no, it cant but they can speak with their bodies and neighs to other horses like if a horse puts it ears back its angry or if they are forward it is happy. with enough reading you can learn to "speak" their language :) i hope this helps

What does it mean when a boy puts his back on your back and then say pay back?

i have no idea but my best guess would be that it was a joke or something like that