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Electric Cars produce sulfur dioxide from their batteries. The manufacturing process of Nickel Metal Hydride (ex. Toyota Prius) and Lithium Ion (ex. Hyundai Sonanta Hybrid) batteries creates a lot of sulfur emissions. A conventional internal combustion engine vehicle actually emits less sulfur oxides to the atmosphere than electric and hybrid vehicles.

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Related questions

How can the world produce less carbon dioxide?

Making electric power plants and electric cars.

Do cars emit sulfur dioxide?

Yes they do.

Do cars or houses produce more carbon dioxide?

Cars produce much more than houses.

What cars produce less Co2?

Hybrid cars produce less carbon dioxide because they run partially on an electric motor and partially on a gasoline engine. Therefore a hybrid will produce less CO2 than a car that relies solely on a gasoline powered engine.

What do smoke in cars produce?

Carbon Dioxide ( CO2)

Why is using electric cars better than using fuel powered cars?

Electric cars dont produce harmful emissions

Do electric cars emit carbon dioxide?

No, electric cars don't emit carbon dioxide but some electricity comes from fossil fuels which releases carbon dioxide. Although electrics are don't emit pollution, there are still some drawbacks. Electric cars are inefficient, they can only power up to a certain speed and the fuel needs to be filled up often.

How is an electric car good for the environment?

An electric car in good for environment because the engine moves with the help of electricity and the incomplete combustion of air mainly oxygen which leads in the evacuation of carbon monoxide which can be very harmful to the environment. <><> They do not produce waste gasses, such as CO, Sulfur Dioxide, or oxides of noitrogen. However, the process of manufacturing some components of electric cars, such as batteries, can have a very NEGATIVE impact- and they consume electricity made in power plants that can cause pollution.

What is in a cars exhaust?

Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter (basically soot), benzene, formaldehyde, and polycyclic hydrocarbons are the ones I know of. And (mainly) carbon dioxide and water (steam).

What is the level of carbon dioxide produced by solar powered cars?

A solar powered car would produce zero carbon dioxide.

Why do cars produce oxides of sulphur dioxide?

i think oxide tapan martha rathipur-jatni

How do you get rid of sulfur Dioxide?

You cant just get "rid" of it. In cars, a catalytic converter is used to break down the so2 into less harmful substances.