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Just as humans are less capable of tolerating certain substances, ants are less tolerant of some substances humans are fine with (most humans have no issues with moderate amounts of cinnamon). Unfortunately there is little information on the specific reason that makes ants dislike cinnamon, but there are a few basic theories.

  1. Ants cannot digest the cinnamon
  2. Ants are made sick by the cinnamon
  3. Just plain doesn't smell good to ants
  4. Physically interferes with ants sense of smell/navigation

At this point, it seems that research on this subject is a low priority and the actual reasons why cinnamon sometimes repels ants will probably remain a mystery until a group of interested people get funding to study it.

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13y ago
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13y ago

Fire ants (Solenopsis spp) do not smelllike cinnamon.

Specifically, among the common names for the imported tropical fire ant (Solenopsis geminata) is ginger ant. The name derives from the ant's distinct orange-brown color, not from its ginger smell. In fact, the ginger ant falls into the protein-based (as opposed to the sweet-based) feeding group of ants.

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Do ants like cinnamon?

No. Ants do not like cinnamon. If you have ants in your house, try to find the main source of them and put cinnamon sticks around it. (and in places they may exit through) If they attempt again, put a natural repel around. Also, make sure not to leave trash or sweet stuff around. Hope this helps! :)

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What does cinnamon do to ants?

The ants don't take the cinnamon anywhere because they hate it. So it does not act like a poison. Ants just seem to have a sensitivity to the strong odor of it. This makes sense given that ants communicate and navigate through scent. I've experimented with this myself at home, as I have an ongoing battle in my kitchen. They really seem to hate it. Some people recommend cinnamon sticks, but based on my observation, the ants probably wouldn't be deterred. The powder which can cover some surface area does the trick though... and it smells like I might actually be baking something delicious!

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yes! I heard it in the pixie hollow game :)