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The composition of the Earth's core (iron and nickel) is implied by the elemental composition of meteorites, which contain substantial iron. The gravitational field of Earth also suggests an average density that is consistent with a large iron content. Additionally, the Earth's magnetic field is assumed to depend on a large core of ferromagnetic elements.

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Q: Why do geologists think that the core of the Earth is mostly iron?
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What do geologists think earth's core contains mostly iron?

They believe that Earth was once all molten when it was first forming. Since iron is one of the heavier elements, it would have sank to the inside of the earth due to gravity.

Why do geologists think that the temperature increases with depth?

because of the core (center of the Earth) emits immense heat.

What do geologists think creates earths magnetic field?

Electric currents in Earth's molten outer core.

How do geologists know that the Earth's core is made of iron?

the core is made from iron.

Where is the most silica in the earth?

I think silica can be found mostly in the center of the earth ( the core).-s

Is the inner core of the Earth made of liquid iron and nickel?

The core of the earth is made of a metal alloy that is mostly nickel and iron. The inner core is the solid state of this metal alloy. The outer core is the liquid state of this metal alloy.

How geologists know that Earth's core is made up two parts?

because the core is 3,000 kilometers thick!

Is the earth's outer core liquid?

Yes, earth's outer core is made of mostly liquid.

What is deep inside the earth?

The layers of the Earth go in this order:Crust- Oceanic crust (basalt) and Continental crust (granite) Solid rockLithosphere Solid rockAsthenosphere Liquid rockLower mantle Solid rockOuter core Magma/thick liquid metalInner core Solid metal

Where in the interior of Earth do geologists believe that the earth's magnetism is influenced?

Well the mantle and core spin at a faster rate which makes the magnetic field.

Where in the interior of earth do geologists believe that the earths magnetism is influenced?

Convection of liquid metals in the outer core creates the Earth's magnetic field.

What layers of the earth is mostly made of metals?

Inner core and outer core.