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Testosterone! Period! What makes a man defy authority and sometimes do what he feels necessary, and what makes him a man, is testosterone. Estrogen is a submissive chemical, even though we know that to be untrue in some situations (high five guys).

But with life and death, testosterone = aggressive

estrogen = submission

thats how the chemicals work. in a nutshell. its a must for the natural process of things to come about, and for order to be upheld, at least in the animal kingdom besides us. Make sense?? I think so.

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Q: Why do males commit more violent crimes?
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Why is the rate of imprisonment of black males greater than that of white males?

They commit more crime? Added: This is a very complicated question with no simple answer. While the simple suggestion is that they commit more crime, the underlying issues are not that simple. There are socioeconomic and social problems that may lead to more crime by black males. The actual crimes committed may be more serious or more violent, leading to more jail time. Additionally, there is some evidence that black males are more likely to be arrested and convicted of crimes, that they are disproportionately punished more severely, and that they are less likely to be granted parole/early release. A number of studies and articles have been written on the issue, and may provide you with quite a bit of insight.

How would you explain the gender differences in the crime rate?

A psycologist would probably have to weigh in here as to why, but in general, men tend to be more violent, so they in turn tend to commit more crimes.

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Yes, they do! Where they come from, their lifestyles are more, well, dirty! So when they come to our country they think they can preserve their dirty ways.

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Yes, many youth have commited crimes. they are protected under the youth crimanal justice act. I know of people who have commited crimes and are not adults yet. Adults commit more crimes but youth still commit some of them.

Why do you think males are more violent than females?

the reason why men are violent than women

Why do teenage boys commit more violent crimes than girls?

Crimes are often carried by boys. One theory is because the violent video games can sometimes cause agressition, or a false sence of whats right and wrong due to being influenced by what their virtual player is doing. Also girls often resolve their problems but boys try to keep it in and that leads to an accumilation of stress and anger. Also it can depend on the family, if there is no positive influential male role model then young men often seek a new one, often found in a respected male who is or was an influential figure in their life. With no real up-bringing, people, especialy males are never taught how to behave according to the socially accepted rules of society.

Educated people are more likely to commit crimes?

Not necessarily. Educated persons are probably more likely to commit more sophisticated offenses. However when it comes to human emotions and NOT rational thinking, educated persons can be just as prone to committing crimes of violence as anyone else.

Are there more women in prison than men?

AnswerI would say that the answer to this is quite a large one. One reason is that there is strong chivalry in the criminal justice system. Men do not want to see more females put in prison, and prosecutors tend to seek lesser sentences for women that commit crimes. As if the fact that 80% of violent crimes are committed by men has nothing to do with it.

Do juveniles who commit crimes have more or fewer rights than adults?

Juvenile because juveniles aren't charged as badly as adults.

Do kids 13 and under commit crimes more at night or during the day?

night and sometimes day

What is the party gang and instrumental gang do?

Definition: Hedonistic Gangs (Party Gangs) Hedonistic gangs are a social group with a main goal of getting high and partying. Crimes committed by the gang are property crimes and are more likely to be committed as an individual rather than a unit. Instrumental Gangs This gang will commit crimes against property but not violent crimes against people. There may be members who deal drugs as an individual. Their main motivation is money, not power.

Why men commits crimes?

No, i do not think that women commit more crime than men. The statistics show that to an extent women have increased in committed crime, however this is not as higher as men committing crime. Knowing this, some crimes are not recorded so are unknown, these crimes are not taking in account, and so the statistics shown in the net is not correct. No, i do not think that women commit more crime than men. The statistics show that to an extent women have increased in committed crime, however this is not as higher as men committing crime. Knowing this, some crimes are not recorded so are unknown, these crimes are not taking in account, and so the statistics shown in the net is not correct.