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Good question, but I think not all married men do side with their own flesh and blood family, there are some married men that do and protect their spouses. But let me tell you why those men sided with their family, it could be that the trust, the bond, love, and respect they have towards their own family. To me its wrong because it says in the Bible, when you get married, your spouse becomes your family not your own flesh and blood relation. We will never know why some men do not protect their spouses and that includes the man that I married and his family..

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12y ago
  • Often this can be a hot spot for the married couple when the husband does not back his spouse if his family is being unreasonable to her and causing problems in their marriage because basically men do not like confrontation with especially family or females in the family bickering. It is because of this action that many feuds start within the family structure when it could have been rectified if the husband had spoken up; was fair about his decision and if his wife was not in the wrong he should always back her up.
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