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Moss and certain other families of plants such as ferns (pteridophytes) are very old in evolutionary terms, and need moist environments both to survive and to reproduce.

More 'recent' or 'modern' plants have developed waxy cuticles and different internal structures and cell walls to stop dehydration. And they have also developed pollen which allows for fertilisation by wind transfer, insects, etc.

Older families of plants are dependent on water not only because they dehydrate easily due to their structure, but because they have a complex lifecycle which involves fertilisation of female plants by male plants. This is acheived by the transfer of spermatophyte cells released by the male which swim through a film of water to the female. The female then develops of spores in the fruiting body (i.e. the sticky-up bit you sometimes see on moss) of the female moss which are released to grow into new moss plants.

So without a moist environment, the moss dehydrates and can die, (although some species can survive without water for a long time, there are even desert mosses!), but definitely need water to reproduce.


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Q: Why do moss plants need to grow in damp places?
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Where does moss live?

Moss tends to grow very close together in shady areas and in places where it is extremely damp.

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Mosses are primitive plants belonging to class Bryopsida.Moss cover patches of forest floor in damp shady places

What is a moss' habitat?

Moss is found in damp places on rocks, trees, on the ground, etc.

Why do moss plants grow best in damp areas lsuch as the floor of a forest?

Because mosses require water for their motile gametes and also being very delicate damp areas are best for growth

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Improvement of air, light and moisture conditions describes the way to rid plants of moss. Mosses (Bryophyta plant division) grow on damp, quiet, shaded bark, rocks, soil and water. Pruning canopies, relocating potted plants and staggering, not clumping, plants to increase circulation and sunlight tends to discourage mosses from damp, quiet, shady habitats.

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Moss can grow in both cold and warm areas, but it is most commonly found in warm.

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How do you grow moss plants?

by watering it

How does moss moss grow?

Like any other plants, it requires nutrients and moistness to grow.

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Are there moss plants in boreal forest biomes?

Yes, they are usually found in damp areas and in ditches.