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Muscles work in antagonistic pairs, this is because muscles can only contract, when one muscle contracts the other one relaxes such as bending the leg, the hamstring would contract whilst the quadriceps relax.

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13y ago
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12y ago

One side contracts and the other side releases. Picture a rod, when the underside contracts and the top side loosens the rod can bend down (one side is getting tighter and the other side is getting more slack. If only one side gets loose and the other side does not, it won't actuall move the muscel much. If both contract then the muscel will try to move in two separate directions at once, same if it looses. They have to work in opposing pairs for steady movement.

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8y ago

Because a muscle can only contract (=pull) to exert its force, so to be able to move in both directions there has to be another muscle whose pull will cause the first muscle to stretch out againnnnnn.

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10y ago

Because muscles cannot exert force by pushing (expanding) only by pulling (contracting).

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13y ago

Because muscles can only pull. In order to be able to both bend and straighten a limbyou have to have a muscle on each side of the joint.

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13y ago

Since muscles cannot push, only pull, one muscle relaxes while one contracts and vice vice versa depending on the action you are doing

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12y ago

because they doo

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Q: Why do muscles at a joint work together in pairs?
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What are antagonist pairs of muscles?

pairs of muscles that work together

What are antagonist pairs are muscles?

pairs of muscles that work together

Why muscles have to work in pairs?

Skeletal muscles only pull in one direction. For this reason they always come in pairs. When one muscle in a pair contracts, to bend a joint for example, its counterpart then contracts and pulls in the opposite direction to straighten the joint out again.

Why muscles must work in pairs?

Muscles can only exert force by getting shorter. Muscles work in pairs by one muscle pulling in one direction, the other muscle pulls in the opposite direction. One bends your leg, the other straightens the leg, etc.

Do most skeletal muscles work in antagonistic pairs?

Yes. Skeletal muscles will have a flexor and an extensor. The flexor bends the joint. The extensor straightens it out again.

How can muscles work in pairs?

ussually, one muscle in the pair bends part of the body.the other muscle straightens part of the body.

Why include exercises for opposing muscle groups?

Muscles work in pairs, so they must be equally strong to work together the right way. If strength is unbalanced, muscles may not properly work together.

Do cardiac muscles work in pairs?

No, cardiac muscles do not work in pairs. They are arranged in a network within the heart and work together in a coordinated manner to contract and pump blood throughout the body. The contraction of cardiac muscles is regulated by electrical signals from the heart's pacemaker cells.

Muscles that work in pairs are called what?

they are called antagonistic muscles.

What body parts work in pairs to pull your bones in different directions?

They are the muscles. Muscles contract in pairs to move the parts across the joint. One muscle contract with more power. The opposite muscle contracts with less power and get stretched over to allow the first muscle to act.

What do skeletal muscles always work in?

Skeletal muscles work in pairs: flexors and extensors

How do our muscles move?

Muscles move body parts by contracting and then relaxing. Your muscles can pull bones, but they can't push them back to their original position. So they work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The flexor contracts to bend a limb at a joint.