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Okay, to start with, if you're really concerned, you should see your doctor, just to be safe.

However, the cause may be relatively simple. When you exercise, you breathe harder and faster, in order to get more oxygen through to the rest of your body.

In order to do this more efficiently, it's natural to breathe in and out through your mouth (rather than your nose) - your body defaults to this because it allows you to take in more air, more quickly.

But breathing through your nose normally warms and moistens the air before it reaches your lungs; breathing through your mouth doesn't. So you are sucking a lot of cold dry air into your throat and lungs which drys out the natural mucuses that exists there, and causes temporary inflammation and pain.

This results in that burning sensation you feel in your throat/chest/lungs, which may or may not be accompanied by wheezing and coughing.

It can be quite painful and quite distressing, but usually, it should subside within, hmm, about 15-20 mins after you stop exercising.

There are other possible causes (such as exercise induced Asthma), so if you're concerned or the problem persists, see your doctor.

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