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yes when they sleep

Answer 2:

Answer #1 is a myth. Ostriches have never been documented to ever stick their heads in the sand either when sleeping or when frightened. How are they going to breathe if their heads are in the sand when they sleep? Let alone be able to hear any predators sneaking up on them. You can't hear very well when you have your head in the sand in comparison with having it tucked under your wing.

So the answer to the original question is: they don't.

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14y ago

When lying down and hiding from predators, the birds lay their heads and necks flat on the ground, making them appear as a mound of earth from a distance. Contrary to popular belief, Ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand.

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12y ago

so the ostrich could have a good nice sleep.

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Q: Why do ostriches stick their heads in sand?
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Neither ostriches, or flamingos bury their head in the sand.

How does ostriches behave?

Mythically, ostriches stick there heads in the sand when they feel they are in danger. So to behave like an ostrich is to ignore a problem in the hope that it will go away.

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Ostriches and Emus supposedly bury their heads in the sand when frightened, but it is not actually true.

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Flamingos do not actually bury their head in the sand. It is a myth. Some also say that ostrich bury their heads in the sand, but this is also a myth.

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Ostriches DO NOT bury their heads in the sand. This is a myth. From a distance it may have since the Colonial era have looked like that's what they are doing, when the males of the species are digging and then lying down and apparently disappearing, but in fact the male is disguising his white feathers with sand and lying down to protect the eggs, which is his job. Still, it's in the vernacular now …

What happens when an ostrich is frightened?

Contrary to popular belief, ostriches do not bury their heads in sand, when threatened, ostriches either run away, or may attack by kicking forward with their powerful legs which can cause serious injury and death.

How do ostriches get away from animals that want to eat them?

There are 3 answers for this one.... 1) They stick their heads in the sand. This is completely mythical, and not true at all. 2) They simply run away from their pursuer on those powerful legs. 3) They use their large and powerful legs to attack their pursuer.

What does the expression play ostrich man mean?

To "play ostrich man" means ignore something that is obvious. Ostriches are supposed to bury their heads in the sand to try to escape from danger.

Do ostriches hide their heads in the ground?

They don't. It's a myth.

Why do ostriches stick their head in the ground?

They don't, actually.

What sort of birds are said to hide their heads in the sand to prevent deection?

None. There is a myth that an ostrich does, but it is only a myth, and seen in animated cartoons. See the Related link below.

He counted a total of 75 heads and 214 legs. How many horses and how many ostriches does old McDonald have?

He has 32 horses and 43 ostriches.