

Why do owls need sound to survive?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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to servive lol

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Q: Why do owls need sound to survive?
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Do owls live in Antarctica?

No. Antarctica is too cold to support any species of owls. In addition, because no land mammals can live there, owls would not have the food they need to survive.

Are laughing owls live?

No owls do not laugh, but the sound that comes out of them sounds like 'who, who.'

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How do barn owls survive?

they flap there wings and hiss

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owls do and they mahe a who sound

What is the sound owl?

The owls's sound is a hoot.

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Ask one.

Are humans and owls alike?

It depends on what area of the owl and/or human you are talking about. Yes, humans and owls have similarities, but they are also very different. Humans are mammals as owls are birds. Owls can fly, though humans remain on the ground unless aided by air planes or flying devices. Both have eyes and mouths and they both need oxygen to survive. All in all, owls and humans are definitly NOT the same things.

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Why do wood pigeons sound like owls?

They don't exactly sound like owls you know. Maybe, what your handling here is a uncovered species. Just joking they probably sound like that because their throat is blocked.