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Having been a boss for many years, most of my employees loved me and still keep in touch with me to this day. I didn't ask them to do anything I would not do. I treated them with respect and consideration. I paid them every week because they had bills and kids to feed. When there were disputes, I listened to their side of the story with an open mind. I gave them regular bonuses on large jobs besides their hourly wage. And when I owned a bar, I had 13 staff including 3 chefs and they called me Boss, hugged me, told me their problems and I did what I could to help. I fed them for free and gave them a drink on the house after each shift. I expected them to treat our customers like gods and impressed on them that the customers paid their salaries. I gave them gifts of gold jewelry when I had to let some of them go if they could not play well with the other children or were rude to our customers. I also had parties for them on Thanksgiving and Christmas and gave them gifts on their birthdays. I made sure they had fun while they worked. So if your boss isn't doing those things, then maybe you need to look for another job. To get respect you have to give it and it works both with the employer and employee. No one likes to be told what to do, but if it is done with courtesy and respect, your employees will go a long way for you.

In saying all that, a lot of bosses are not owners. I was. And when they are not owners, they have to answer to their bosses. And you've heard the saying sh...t runs downhill. It's not fair, but then no one every promised you a rose garden. Sometimes employees have to adjust their own attitude as well. It will make life much easier. Remember what John Kennedy once said, "It's not what your country can do for you, it's what you can do for your country." Bring that attitude to work with you at whatever company you are working for and be an asset. You will like yourself better for it and you may end up liking your boss a bit better.

But there are Bad Bosses...

It's pretty simple- The boss is in a position of extreme power. You are the subordinate; weak and helpless- the vulnerable underdog

Let's face it. No one likes getting ordered around, being told what to do and when to do it. Bossman, or Bosswoman, can analyze your weak performance and point out your imperfections . They can break you down slowly and silently so by the end of your your 9-5 you hand in your time card along with your dignity. The Boss can reduce your hours and your self esteem. They can rearrange your vacation days, create tension in your workspace, and hold an invisible pink slip over your head. The Boss says jump and you must say how high?

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13y ago

sometimes they don't. sometimes for no reason. sometimes because they're mean.

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12y ago

Making people feel bad makes them feel better about themselves,

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