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Logically speaking sand is also a type of soil in which belong to the 3 textural fraction know as Sand Silt and Clay. This textural fraction makes up the Soil Texture. (Sand, Loam, and Clay).

We consider a soil as sandy when it contain 70% or more sand. Clay when it contains at least 40% of Clay.

and Loam when it contain a equal amount of Sand Silt and Clay. (1/3 sand, 1/3 Clay, 1/3 Silt)

Now since sand doesn't contain any charges (+ and - charges) it wont be able to hold the nutrients needed for the plant to complete it's life cycle.

Clay and Silt on the other hand have both + and - charges which helps hold the nutrients needed.

You might ask why are both + and - charges are important. This is because all of the element needed by the plant to completes it's lifecycle has it's own charges (Try and look at it in a Periodic Table of elements).

  1. An absent of certain element the plant could not complete it's life cycle.
  2. Elements can't be replace by another element when it is absent.
  3. This element must be involve in both physiological and metabolic process of the plant.
  • Diffusion
  • Osmosis
  • Active Absorption
  • Direct Contact to the roots.

Soil texture also determine the soil structure as well as the pore spaces in the soil.

Which means that depending on the texture of the soil it could affect the water holding capacity, the ability to hold nutrients, the aeration, the Drainage, etc.

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14y ago

well it depends on what kind of plant it is some grow better in sand and some in soil

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Q: Why do plants grow better in sand than soil?
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It depends on what plant you are referring to, as there are millions of plants out there; some grow better in sand, and others grow better in soil.

Does plant grow better in potting soil or sandy soil?

Beans grow better in soil because soil has all the moisture and nutrients. If you use sand, it could be to rocky. Clay will also not be good even though it can keep good moisture it does not have the nutrients like soil.

Do plants grow better in soil or clay?

soil as there are more nutrients

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Very few plants will grow in heavy clay soil and not many will grow in sand. Plants need organic material in the soil to enable the roots to penetrate and to nourish the plants, so the more humus soil contains, the better most plants will grow. Plants also do not thrive in very acid or highly alkaline soil. Most plants prefer neutral or slightly acid pH. Sne45: I think clay-like soil, nor do I think plants in sand can grow.

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plants grow better in soil because all the nutrients that are needed for it to grow are in the soil

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Which soil is best for growing plants sand silt clay or loam?

Plants will grow better in loam because of its nutrients and texture and structure.