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Plants grow toward the sun because the side of the plant that is shaded grows faster. Very simple concept; think about this. A plant is under (let's say) a bench and light shines only one side. That plant heads toward the sun because the side without light is now grwoing faster, thus leaning toward the sun.

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13y ago

sunlight provides the energy source required in photosynthesis to turn water and CO2 into glucose and O2

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plants turn to the sun because the sun is like their food and energy

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Q: Why do plants turn their Leaves to the sun?
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In how many days that gumamela leaves turn to yellow?

The gumamela leaves usually turn to yellow during the winter period. This is because during the winter the sun is usually absent which leads to the plants failing to make their own food.

Plants gather the sun's energy using the?

leaves/ leaf

What happeneds to leaves when the sun does not shine on it?

If leaves get no light, they will turn from Yellow to white and die.

What does it mean if your plants leaves turn brown?

it is dying stupid

Why do some plants turn to the sun?

Photosynthesis the plants turn to face the sun to conduct the process, they convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into oxygen through the process.

Do plants get their energy directly from the sun?

Yes, the leaves absorb the sunlight

Where can plants get water and nutrients?

The sun's energy. Through the roots and leaves.

How does energy from the sun enter livings systems such as plants?

through the leaves

What plant turns its leaves away from the sun to reduse its exposure to the heat?

Mangroves are able to turn their leaves away from the sun to limit the surface area exposed to the sun. This is done to conserve the water in their leaves.

What happens when plants photosynthesise?

They take the sun's energy and with chloroplasts (which make plants green) turn the sun's energy into sugar.

How does the position of the sun affect the growth of a plant?

Plants depend on the sun for energy. They will angle themselves so that their leaves get the maximum sun exposure. This is called phototrophic growth. Plants will grow towards the sun.