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The first thing to be understood is to drop the idea of trying to meditate for anything. If you begin by desiring quieter thoughts or more relaxation or levitation you are setting yourself up for failure.

Meditation is the process of becoming aware of what is in this moment. Whatever is, is perfect.

If, as you begin to watch, to look in, to become aware, you notice thoughts happening, great! Thoughts are happening. I will simply be aware as the thoughts pass through.

If you notice feelings of joy arising, great! I will watch joy.

Simply notice what is, and accept it from your heart, with no expectations for any particular state of being.

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Q: Why do some people levitate during meditation?
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Some words that rhyme with "levitate" are "decorate," "meditate," and "elaborate."

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yes some can very few but yes some can

Can you levitate?

When meditating some Buddhists can (supposedly - but never scientifically established). Of course there are some recreational places where you go into an enclosure that blows air from the bottom enough to levitate you. It is also possible to levitate things through magnetic forces - such as that used for mag-lev trains.

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Why do some levitate?

a good magacian never reveals a secret!

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Hover or otherwise float. Basically repelling from gravity. Examples: Levitate, Levicorpus (Harry Potter)

Is it true that some people can levitate?

No! it is ALWAYS a trick. for instance, if you ever saw someone levitate 3 inches above the ground, what hes doing is that the toe you dont see is holding himself up. if you seen some body levitate up to three stories high, theres a cable from a crane holding him, he would be in bright ligh like very bright sunlight or very bright clouds as his background making it impossible to detect the cable.

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Where can one get meditation cushions?

One can get meditation cushions on the Amazon or DharmaCrafts sites online. Additionally, some yoga stores will sell these meditation cushions there.

How deep can meditation go?

How deep you can make it go. Some people are different. They can probably go up to an hour or more.

Do you have some practices for opening chakras?
