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It is most likely because of the type of spider and the type of web the spider spins. If it is a thin web, then the spider needs at least 3 corners to work. thik webs usually are spun in bushes or somewhere they can have full range to attatch a web strand to.

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Q: Why do spiders spin their web in corners?
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Spiders of both sexes spin webs.

How do spiders spin a web?

All I know is that spiders have saks or something full of silk, and they let it out and it makes a web.

Besides spinning webs can spiders spin words as well?

no it does not spin a web but it has enough poison to kill its prey

What season can you find a spiders web?

Spiders spin web all-year round. They are more noticeable outdoors during damp mornings, when the dew sticks to the threads of the web.

What do you called the place where spiders live?

A web

Why does a spider spin web?

Spiders that spin webs do so as a means of catching food. Another reason for webs is that male spiders use them during the process of reproduction.

Which spider spins a lasso to catch its prey?

Bolas spiders spin lassos to catch their prey. The spiders are related to orb weavers and instead of spinning a web, they spin a sticky line.

Do a spiders spin webs?

no, but SPIDERS spin WEBS.

Why would spiders and other insects make a web?

The primary reason spiders spin a web is to use as a method of hunting prey. The adhesiveness of the web traps insects and other prey that a spider feeds off of. Some spiders, however, do not spin webs and catch their prey using other means, such as the wolf spider that tends to simply run its prey down.

How do spiders get their foods?

they cach bugs in their webs,kill the bugs, spin hem with there web,then eat them