

Why do testicles drop?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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11y ago

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The best temperature for growing sperm is a little COOLER than body temperature. That's why the scrotum and testicles hang (unprotected!) outside the body. So if you wear tight pants and lots of warm trousers you won't have as many sperm as a Scot who wears nothing under his kilt.
The testicles drop into the scrotum because the body is too warm to make sperm optimally. The scrotum allows the body to regulate the temperature of the testicles a few degrees below that of the body temperature.
In Puberty and beyond :

They drop away from the body to be at the right temperature. The sperm needs to be at the correct temperature to stay healthy.

The best temperature for growing sperm is a little COOLER than body temperature. That's why the scrotum and testicles hang (unprotected!) outside the body. So if you wear tight pants and warm trousers you won't have as many sperm as a Scotsman who wears nothing under his kilt.

The testicles drop into the scrotum because the body is too warm to make sperm optimally. The scrotum allows the body to regulate the temperature of the testicles a few degrees below that of the body temperature.

In Babies :

They descend into the scrotum shortly after birth (Balls drop) not at Puberty as many believe. If they have not visibly dropped into the scrotum by several months after birth then a visit to the doctor is advisable to make sure all is ok with the childs health.

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13y ago

Anatomically the expression refers to the male testes (balls) which are not usually present in the scrotum (bag) at birth but are retracted into spaces at the base of the penis. This is true of mammals other than humans as well.

In any case, when a boy reaches puberty, the balls will drop more or less permanently into the scrotum and the boy has then "become a man". They can still retract into the spaces at either side of the scrotum and might do so when taking a dip in a cold swimming pool, or during periods of fear or imminent danger to the lower area, or even after a particularly invigorating sexual activity.

Anyway, it figuratively means the boy has become a man. Don't take it too seriously.

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Normally the testicles drop at about 6 months of age.

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The average young male donkey will drop his testicles shortly after birth. The testicles will drop down with them 24 hours of birth.

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Testicles 'drop', at the latest, a few weeks after being born. If you cannot feel testicles in your scrotum, you should consult your doctor immediately.

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testicles drop much earlier in a boys life, at around 2-6 months.

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Normally, the testicles drop by age 1. If you cannot feel any testicles, please see a doctor, soon. There can be serious complications if you wait.

What does it feel like when your balls drop?

It's normal, just as when your testicles haven't drop yet.

How far will my balls drop when you turn 60 years of age?

Balls (testicles) do not drop appreciably as you age.

Do boys's balls drop around the same time as their voices change?

The balls of boys drop during infancy. Voice change happens during puberty and is related to the hormones produced by the testicles. Testicles that are taken out before puberty can affect the voice change of a boy.

What is drop ball?

During puberty, a males testicles will get lower and increase in size.

Does your testosterone levels drop if you have one testicle?

No testosterone is coming from the prostate not from the testicles.

What does it mean when a guys balls drop after sex?

The testicles drop when their internal temperature gets too high. Inversely, the testicles 'suck in' when they're cold - they warm up using body heat. So, after sex, you may be warm. In short, it's perfectly normal for them to drop.

Why are sperm produced externally?

Sperm are produced externally because there is a certain temperature at which they survive. for this reason, when its cold, your testicles "shrink" to warm up and keep it at the required temperature. when its warm on the other hand, your testicles "drop" to drop the temperature