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Toads have teeth. They're incredibly small. They have to have these teeth to eat the bugs they love so much.

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To hold and secure prey.

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Q: Why does a frog need teeth if it does not chew?
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Does a frog chew its food with its teeth?

No ; they do not.

Does a red eyed tree frog chew its food?

No. While many people do not realise frogs have teeth, they do actually have tiny teeth - but they are not used to chew food. The teeth are for the purpose of holding the food, not chewing.

Where does a frog do to clean its teeth?

Frogs don't actually have teeth, they have hard, bony plates used to crush prey, not to chew with.

Does the frog chew its food?

Frogs do not chew their food, a prey-item is swallowed whole. Some frogs have teeth but they just hold the prey and are not for chewing.

What do vomerine teeth look like in a frog?

Vomerine teeth are positioned in the top side of the throat. They are not used to chew, but to keep a prey item in the throat.

How does the tongue and teeth of a frog help in digesting process?

Doesn't really help at all because they do not chew their food.

What adaptation does a hawk use to chew food?

A hawk has a beak and therefore can not chew food, to chew food you need teeth to chew with.

Do kangroo have teeth?

Yes they do. They need their teeth to chew the grass that forms their staple diet.

A frog does not chew his food What do the positions of its teeth suggest about how the frog uses them?

The teeth are used for holding prey before swallowing so that the prey does not escape. The teeth of frogs and toads are not true teeth and are hence not used for chewing.

Why do pandas have big teeth?

Pandas need them to chew bamboo.

What do the beluga whales need their teeth for?

so they can chew thru their bones

Why are teeth important to mammals?

Yes!---- They need teeth so that they can chew/eat their food :) Hope it helped