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Q: Why do we increase the why do we increase the surface area of a solid when dissolving?
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What will increasing the surface area of a solid do to the dissolving rate of that solid?

It will increase it, as more of the outer surface of the solid is incontact with the liquid that it is dissolving in. :)

What does it mean to increase the surface area of a solid?

increase the surface area of a solid means to increase the area of solid

When you crush a solid do you increase or decrease surface area?

You increase the surface area

Why does crushing a solid increase the speed at which the solid dissolves?

ALL reactions (apart from Nuclear) take place on the surface. By crushing the solid you are increasing the surface area and also the SA/Volume ratio. This increased surface area increases the area available for the dissolution reaction.

Why does size affect a soluble solid from dissolving quicker?

Not usually size, its the surface area

How can you increase the rate of dissolution?

One way is to grind up solid, or increase the temperature. Also, you can stir the solution, and then, there are enzymes.

How does breaking up a solid speed dissolving in liquid?

By breaking up the solid, you are creating more surface area. Therefore, increasing the surface area will speed up dissolution.

You can speed up a reaction if you break the solid reactant into smaller pieces what factor does this describe?

When you break up a solid into smaller pieces it dissolves faster when you have big pieces of the solid you have to wait for the substance that is dissolving it ti be picked up by the object that is being dissolved but when the pieces are smaller it dissolves faster because their smaller and the substance dissolving the object get picked up much faster

How does breaking up solid speeddissolving in liquid?

Breaking up the solid into smaller pieces increases the amount of surface area exposed to the solvent. Because the solvent is acting over a larger surface area, the rate of dissolving increases.

What three ways to increase the dissolving rate of a solid?

Surface Area/Quantity of Solvent, Temperature, and Agitation

How does grinding speed up dissolving?

By grinding the surface area of the sample increase and the contact between the solvent and solute is improved.

How does a particular size affect a soluble solid dissolving?

The bigger the solid the less surface area there is to be reacted with. If you broke the same solid into many different pieces it would dissolve quicker because there is more surface for the reaction to take place.