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Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are damaging our environment with greenhouse gases. We need to get renewable energy (solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass, biofuel and hydrogen) working everywhere so we can stop burning coal and oil.

Fossil fuels are not renewable. There is only a limited supply. We need to keep fossil oil for making plastic, a really useful invention.

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Q: Why do we need alternative energy to fossil fuels?
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Why does us need to find alternative energy sources?

Dependence on fossil fuels causes environmental damage.

Why does the US need to find alternative energy sources?

Dependence on fossil fuels causes environmental damage.

Why do people need to develop alternative sources of renewable energy and become less dependent on fossil fuels?

Mainly two reasons. (1) The fossil fuels will eventually be used up. (2) Fossil fuels cause pollution.

Why do you need fossil fuels?

Because to date there is no viable alternative to fossil fuels, that are plentiful and cost effective.

Do we need fossil fuel?

Yes we need fossil fuels but they are depleting very day.So we need a alternative now.

Why geo thermal should replace fossil fuels?

As fossil fuels are depleting day by day, we need a alternative to it.We that is why need to have other source of fuel.Geo thermal is that is why used now and it should replace fossil fuels.

What is a factor in the U.S. need to find alternative energy sources?

Environmental dangers caused by dependence on fossil fuels

Why are fossil fuels used so much today?

They have been the most efficient energy source available.

Why is biomass becoming more important?

Since this world's fossil fuel supply is getting lower, people need to find alternative forms of energy to continue producing electricity. Since biomass is an alternative energy source, its importance is growing in place of fossil fuels.

Why do we need to improve sources of energy that are not fossil fuels?

since fossil fuels can be found almost anywhere in the world we need to improve sources of energy so that they are around the world............

How does solar energy reduce the use of fossil fuels?

Most countries burn fossil fuels to generate electricity.If they used solar power to generate electricity, thenThey would not have to use so much fossil fuel.Solar Energy itself does not reduce the use of fossil fuels. But the use of solar energy should hopefully reduce the need of fossil fuels to create energy, so therefore the more we can use solar power as an energy source instead of fossil fuels, the more we reduce the use of fossil fuels.

What are two reasons people need alternative energy resources rather than continuing to use fossil fuels?

We will eventually run out of oil from fossil fuels because it is finite. Worldwide, scientists believe that there is only 500 years of fossil fuels left at the current population increase level. The second reason is that burning these fuels increase greenhouse gases that warm the planet.