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Not always, there are women who tries to have a vaginal birth after their first C-section but that is also up to the doctor. When having a c-section there will be a scar and that scar can burst during labor and with every c-section the scar gets thicker and more vulnerable. That is why they say you always have to stick to c-sections.

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12y ago

You don't always have to have a repeat C-Section. In fact for most women a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) is a far safer option. Find a health care provider (doctor or midwife) who supports VBAC and have the birth that is best for you and your baby.

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Q: Why do women who have had a c section always have to have c sections?
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Related questions

What is documentation section in C?

The C language does not have "sections".

What does c-sections stand for?

A cesarean section

Can women eat pork after a c-section?

I suppose so, since I don't see how pork affects c-sections in any way shape or form

If your first labor was by c-section will the others be c-sections?

Doctors have always stated that once you have one c-section you should always give birth using this method. However a study has found that there is only a 1 percent risk if you choose to go vaginal.

Can you have a c section on your butt?

No c-sections are given where the baby is - in the stomach.

Why has the cesarean section rate increased?

Elective C-sections, the unwillingness of doctors to perform vaginal births on women who have previously had c-sections, and a rise in STD's among other things. See source for a much more in-depth answer.

How many c sections can you have ater the first?

after having one c section all your other births have 2 b c sections 2

What is the correct denominator for calculating the cesarean section rate?

C sections / total deliveries x 100 = C section rate.

What type of doctor that does c section?

Cesarean sections (also called C-sections) are performed by Obstetricians, mostly. There are some Family practitioners who were trained in the past who may still perform deliveries and C-sections, but the vast majority are performed by Obstetricians.

Can you request the dr perform a c-section birth?

C-sections can be requested, but they are medically unnecessary

After 3 c-sections can women still have kids?


How many c sections can you have before you shouldn't have anymore?

That's a question best reserved for your doctor as it varies from woman to woman. I was my mom's first c-section baby and she had two c-sections after that.