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Because when you stop eating your body goes into starvation mode and then it starts to save the fat that you have to survive and then you gain weight

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Q: Why do you gain weight when you stop eating?
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Does eating late at night can cause gain weight?

Yes it does you need to stop eating at 7:00

Why do you gain weight when you stop eat?

You gain weight when you stop eating because your body begins to think its starving. Your motabolism slows to keep weight on. And anything you eat your body trys to keep the fat out of it.

Is it true eating at night makes you gain weight?

Yes it does. At 7:00, you're suppose to stop eating.

What happens if you stop healthy eating?

you get fat......i think You will gain weight and have vitamin deficiencies.

Can you gain weight by stop taking acai berries?

As long as you maintain a healthy diet and excercise, you will NOT gain the weight back just because you stopped using acai berry. You might experience a decreased weight loss, but you will suddenly start gaining it back. If you stop using acai, stop eating healthy, and stop exercising, you WILL gain the weight back, if not more.

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You shouldnt eat junkfood so you dont gain weight.

How does a human being gain weight?

u gain weight by eating to much. u would eat 24/7 non stop and when u eat to much fats and to much sugar it can cause u to gain weight

Can you gain weight by eating green?

You can always gain weight by eating too much of something. But greens are very good for you.

How do I stop weight loss when I have arrived at the weight that I want to be?

Well keep on eating healthy but maybe eat a candy bar now and then but even if you have arrived at your desired weight keep on eating healthy or you might gain that weight back.

How did Trent gain weight?

by eating

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By eating.

Does eating patatos make you gain weight?

Eating too much food and not getting enough exercise is what makes you gain weight.