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This is the reason/result of why you get a stomach ache when eating hot cheetos... A more likely reason for the tummy ache is the salt content of the snack. Lots of salt will increase the HCl (hydrochloric acid) in your stomach. This is bad, and can lead to acid-reflux (damaging your oesophagus -- your food-tube leading from your mouth to your stomach) and stomach ulcers.

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Obesity in America (Sadly this is now including our Nation's children as well) can largely be attributed to eating processed, nutrient poor, slightly toxic foods, on a daily weekly and yearly basis. "Cheeto's" are cooked starch - under high temperatures, and have not only little nutritional value but possible serious health risks involved in eating them whether served from the package, heating them, or choosing the "hot" flavor. See article below:

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Q: Why do you get a stomach ache when eating hot cheetos?
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Acids may conflict with your stomach acids. Or worse, if you already have an ulcer so it is advisable to stop eating them and other chillies, hot food ect coz it will hurt your stomach.

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Yes because the bread is hot.

Does hot cheetos cause heart attacks?

No, hot Cheetos do not cause heart attacks. A lifetime of eating Cheetos and other fatty foods puts one at increased risk of heart attack, however.

Do you die of eating expired hot flamin cheetos?

yes u can die

Is it true you cant drink milk after you eat hot cheetos?

no, if you drink milk after eating hot Cheetos it will take the hotness away( in 10-15 mins) i have tried it before

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Takis are hotter than Hot Cheetos. Hot Cheetos get a sweet taste after eating them a while. Takis usually get hotter the more you eat them.

How do you stop eating hot cheetos?

By not eating them so much because you will get worms and you will have to go to the hospital

Which is more unhealthy takis or hot cheetos?

hot cheetos

Does hot chips have rat poop?

it is a lie from parents they use it sometimes to trick you to stop eating Hot Cheetos they are no proof of this comment

Are baked flamin hot cheetos healthy?

they are to times better than regular hot Cheetos however always make sure that you maintain a healthy diet and develop good eating habits.

Is eating hot cheetos bad for you?

They are, but they are not as seriously unhealthy as regular cheetos.