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they are probably jelous or the person is easy to get to

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Q: Why do you think bullies pick the people they do as victims?
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Why do bullies pick on people?

Bullies pick on many people they find weak or they just plain dislike. They also pick on others to the point it is allowed. Some may be bullied or abused themselves. That is no excuse, but bullying is an outlet for them.

Most kids are bullied because they are different?

because bullies pick on who they think are easy targets to make themselves feel better.the people the pick on usually give signs whether its as simple as looking down when theyre being talked to or sighing even shaking hands, bullies pick up on it and thrive on it. the people being bullied are usually always the nicest people too, the most caring they share that in their presence and its something that people who bully cant understand. its got nothing to do with the victims being weak or needing to drink more milk. if you think bullying is a joke you should be ashamed. think about all those kids who commit suicide because of bullies. grow up.Because they are weak. If those kid want to be strong, they should do more exercise and drink more milk!

Who are the biggest bullies?

the biggest bullies are the people who are craving for attention and are insecure about them selves so they pick on others to hide their own problems xx

What should you know about a bully?

Bullies are generally people that pick on others due to there own insecurities

Which people become bullies?

mainly others who just want attention, maybe even just YOUR attention.

Why don't bullies bully people bigger than them?

because they are pathetic. Cant pick on someone there own size

Who do bullies bully?

bullies bully because they have nothing better to do and then most of the time have something happening in there live and they are trying to hide who they really are and i am a redhead and i get bullied alot but i just out smart tem and they stop so try to make them stop and talk to them about how it sucks beening a bullie and make them feel what you did _________________________________________________________________ Bullies bully nerds or mentally retarded people who have problems, they bully weak people and people with no friends, because if they go for the weak people first they can start bullying people a bit tougher and then go for the people who aren't tough but others or themselves think they're tough to make the tough people scared of the bully. Bullies are the weakest. Don't be one. _________________________________________________________________

Why are there bullies in this world?

Well most people are nice, friendly and happy to do things for you. But bullies are quite the opposite.They are either jealous of you, not had a good life themselves or think you will be easier to pick on because your smaller than them or skinnier. The last thing you do is cry which would show them that you are hurt by their words, stand up to them and tell someone.

Are bullies inscure is that why they bully?

Not necessarily, it could be a number of reasons. Don't get me wrong, it could be that, but they might just think the victim is an easy target and pick on them so they become popular, and think they can get away with it.

Why do Bullies want to Pick on Kids?

Because they have no life and trive on hurting others

How does a peeping Tom pick his victims?


What do bullies do to get their way?

Bullies are either larger than their victims or in gangs which fuels the fire. Bullies can be female or male; bully in the schools or even the workplace. They generally pick someone that they know they can control not only by physical abuse, but verbal abuse. They may threaten to beat up the person; push them around; threaten to fire them threaten even their life or ruin their reputation. The bully or bullies may start unwanted rumors on the Internet such as places like Face Book or even send threatening emails to their victim. Bullies have low self esteem either because they grew up in a dysfunctional family or, they want to appear 'cool' to their other friends. Much more is being done about bullies and parents; teachers and even the police are starting to come down hard on bullies. Some students in certain schools, with the permission from their school to group together to protect victims of abuse. There are only a handful of bullies in a school in comparison to the good students, but, if the good students walk by or just watch they are just as bad as the bullies.